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 =DF=baby dragon FAQ

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PostSubject: =DF=baby dragon FAQ   =DF=baby dragon FAQ Icon_minitimeSat Nov 17, 2007 1:02 am

FAQ part 1

What does [insert attack here] look like?
I've put these here just in case anyone wants to know what a certain attack looks like, as in what to look for if you don't have a dragon yet or otherwise...
When Your Dragon Does A Normal Attack
When Your Dragon Does An Elemental Ball Attack
When Your Dragon Casts -11 Heal Resist
The Effects of -11 Heal Resist NOTE: CHECK THE HEALTH BAR
When Your Dragon Uses The Bite Attack
When Your Dragon Casts Assistance
The Effects of When Your Dragon Casts Assistance
When Your Dragon Casts Mischief
The Effects of When Your Dragon Casts Mischief
The Attack 'Bite' In Motion

Why is my dragon still sleeping?
Although your dragon is sleeping, it will still attack if you have started training it. In order for it to attack it's a good idea to have a decent amount of CHA and LUCK. He's also still sleeping because he's a baby. Babies sleep alot...they also eat, cry and poop, but hopefully your baby dragon won't do too much of that.

I have 0 CHA and LUCK but my dragon still attacks, how do you explain that smarty pants?
The dragon is a pet...your pets still attack even if you have no CHA and LUCK. I say it's a good idea to get some CHA and LUCK because it will increase your dragon's chances of doing critical attacks, as CHA increases pet training, where as LUCK increases all rolls...by rolls they mean what happens when you attack...so when you attack that's one roll, then your pet, that's another, then an npc, that's another, then another npc, that's another, then the monster attacks, there's another roll. Get it?

Why is my dragon still sleeping, even though I have a decent amount of CHA/LUCK?
Have you fed your dragon? The dragon won't wake up unless you have fed him. After feeding him you must train him. To do this, go to Lady Celestia in Sunbreeze Grove. Assign your available points that you were given from feeding your dragon into whatever stat you wish to raise. After that, save your skills and your baby dragon should now attack. Although he appears to be asleep, he will still get up and fly to attack the enemy.


What elements can I make my dragon?
You can choose from the following:

What dragon skills are available?
In raising your dragon you have a total of 500 points to fill in training. You can feed your dragon ONCE per day. Each stat can be raised to up to 200 points.

Protection: Defensive skills for the player
1 - Increase Player Healing %
41 - Increase Player Block for 3 rounds
81 - Player Mana Refill
121 - Heal Player
161 - Heals Player & Refills Player Mana

Magic: Gives dragon elemental magic attacks.
1 - Elemental Ball: Strong Attack
41 - Elemental Stare: Lower Enemy Element Resistance
81 - Elemental Beam: Attack/Chance of Stunning
121 - Elemental Breath: 3 round DoT Attack
161 - Elemental Nova: Attack/High Chance of Critical Hit

Fighting: Dragon Fighting Skills
1 - Bite: Strong Attack
41 - Claw: 3 round DoT Attack
81 - Ram: Attack/Chance of Stunning
121 - Tail: Strong 3 round DoT Attack
161 - Frenzy - Strong 5 Hit Attack

Assistance: Increases players Statistics.
1 - Increase Player Hit %
41 - Increase Player Endurance
81 - Increase Player Intelligence
121 - Increase Player Damage %
161 - Increase Player Critical %

Mischief: Reduces Enemy damage, attack and resistance
1 - Reduce Enemy Damage %
41 - Reduce Enemy Hit %
81 - Reduce Enemy Resistance to All Elements
121 - Enemy Stun
161 - Shrink Enemy (Lowers HP)
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PostSubject: =DF= baby dragon FAQ 2   =DF=baby dragon FAQ Icon_minitimeSat Nov 17, 2007 1:04 am

FAQ part 2

I've put my dragon skills in this, this and this but nothing has shown up showing that they actually work. What's going on?
There have been a few reports on this. Like I said in the question about 'why is my dragon not biting?' in order for a skill to appear you need to have some decent CHA and some decent LUCK. There is evidence that the skills are working, so don't get paranoid that they're not. For example the 'mischief' skill has appeared as text above the dragon saying 'mischief' apparently, the elemental ball has appeared from the magic statistic, the bite has appeared from the fighting statistic and '-11 heal resist' (explained below) has appeared from the protection statistic. There's been no report on the assistance statistic, because I guess not enough people like it or something. I'm getting myself another dragon (creating another account) so I can test this stuff out. Remember that the skills your dragon uses are determined by your charisma stat, so yes, it's plausible that your CHA is too low. E.g. People have reported seeing the mischief stat working, where text pops up saying 'Mischief' which reduces the enemy damage by 8% for 3 turns. You can see that it works when you look at the enemy's statistics.

What does '-11 Heal Resist' mean? Does it do anything?
Yes it does do something! This is my educated guess. The '-11 Heal Resist' obviously has to do with healing, that means potions or in a DL's case healing yourself by 30% for 3 turns. When it says -11 heal resist, what it's done is it's given you a boosted 11% heal...hence it says - heal resist, as it's decreasing your resistance to healing. However over your head you will heal the same amount as usual, if you check your health bar it shows that you have gotten the extra 11% heal pointage.

What kind of build should I give my dragon?
That's completely up to you. For any suggestions, I'd suggest the DF - The Dragons forum. What kind of dragon you want is decided by the kind of stats you choose, choose carefully as you cannot reset the stats for your dragon, at least not yet.

What do I feed my dragon?
You can feed your dragon 3 types of food. Normal Dragon Chow, Special Dragon Chow and Super Dragon Chow.

Normal Dragon Chow: Earns 1 stat point, bought for 15 gold at Celestia in Sunbreeze Grove
Special Dragon Chow: Earns 2 stat points, bought for 10 Dragon Coins at Celestia in Sunbreeze Grove
Super Dragon Chow: Earns 5 stat points, can be found in any DA only quest however it is a RARE drop. That means it's hard to find.

Can I still get Dragon Chow even if I've already fed my dragon once today?
Yes, however you can only feed it once a day. If you're an international player, you can check the time by going to the main Dragonfable page. Look at the top of the page, the time is shown there, then you can figure out if you're able to feed your dragon again.

Where is the Super Dragon Chow?
The Super Dragon Chow can be found on DA only quests. That means only Dragon Amulet holders can get it. The Super Dragon Chow can be found on all of the DA only quests. IT IS A VERY RARE DROP. THAT MEANS THAT IT MAY TAKE YOU UP TO 100 TIMES TO DO A QUEST BEFORE YOU EVER GET IT! MAYBE MORE!

My dragon STILL won't attack! What do I do?
Clear your cache. If clearing your cache doesn't work, try a different browser perhaps or report the problem in the Dragonfable Bugs section found within the Forum. Alternatively you can try a staff member or ask another forum member, but I wouldn't suggest bugging them as the majority of answers are here.

My dragon STILL ISN'T ATTACKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've cleared my cache, got some CHA and LUCK and I've fed it and trained it and made him go poopies and everything! What the heck is wrong?
Hey I'm not Jesus I can't perform miracles. If your dragon still isn't attacking obviously you've either done something wrong or there's a bug. I don't think there's a bug, so it's probably your cache. Even though you've cleared it, I dunno, maybe there's something still wrong. Any problems you have with the game which are major you should report, I'm afraid I don't have any other solution for you than what I can provide because I'm not on the DF staff, nor do I know everything about the game...so try and bare with it.

My dragon is sleeping, then he attacks and then he goes back to sleep. Is this normal?
Yes. Prodding him with a stick will not wake him up for the record.

My dragon is sleeping (snoring) but his eyes are open...is this normal?
Yes. Even though he's snoring and his eyes are...open...he should still attack. That doesn't make a difference.

Link for the DA only server?

Why train my stats to 200 if the last attack is at 161?
The more stat points you give into the category you want, the more powerful the attack/power will be.

I've trained my dragon to bite, but all he does is breathe fire. Why?
Remember how I said that CHA and LUCK effect how your dragon attacks? That's why. By raising your CHA you increase the chance of your pet, or in this case, dragon of doing a critical attack. My guess is that if you increase your CHA, your chances of getting your dragon to bite will increase. I know this as my CHA is pretty high, and I've seen my dragon bite quite a bit, it's the equivilent of a critical attack pretty much. CHA does not actually effect how often your dragon attacks, it effects how good your dragons attacks will be. In other words, it increases the chance of your dragon doing a half-decent attack. For the record, I have seen my baby dragon use bite. It's like a critical attack pretty much. He looked pretty funny trying to gnaw on a fire elemental...well not really, because bite looks like your dragon is head butting the enemy.

NOTE: Collaborated evidence for this is below, courtesy of Jergal =] italicized for easy reference.

Where the hell is the super chow?!?!?!
I answered this but some of you don't seem to quite get it...Okay, let's say this. The super chow is available in any DA only quest. It is a rare drop. That means that you may have to do a quest several times before you get it, as it probably has about a 1% drop rate, maybe less.

Does my baby grow in size when I train him?
Well, since the whole feed the dragon thing has only been out for about 3 days I can't really give you any ideas on that...if it's growing then I'm not seeing it, then again I wear glasses and am practically blind so I could be wrong.

Do you need your dragon lord armor and does it have to be fully trained for your dragon to attack?
No, otherwise people who don't have DA's wouldn't be able to use a dragon at all. Also, it doesn't need to be fully trained, otherwise people who have a level 11 character with dragonlord armour wouldn't be able to make their dragon attack. This obviously isn't the case.

What does your choice in egg mean?
No one knows this yet, and it hasn't been released...my guess is that the information for this won't be released for a while as it's probably some secret plot device that we can't discuss.

Will the animation for the baby dragons attacks change?
I don't know the answer to this, people have discussed it on the forum as one of the things they'd like to see happen, though it would be nice. If there was a stone dragon, can you imagine him trying to breathe stones though? I think that'd be a bit rough on the throat...though there's no stone dragon so oh wells.

What are your sources?
My sources? I answer the majority of these questions from common sense and what I've gathered here on the forums and in game. Please don't give me any cheek about this...a girl can only do her best.

Why did the dragon cross the road?
I'm too dignified to answer such a bad joke.

If you have anymore questions please post them here to avoid clogging the forum with unnecessary questions. Also, please don't post any impossible questions that I can't answer...I'm not the Wizard of OZ, though I was the Wicked Witch of the West once...

Tagged, FAQ'd, and stickied by me, Maegwyn

ADDED INFO: Friday, 6th of July, concerning Bite.

Summarised Information courtesy of Jergal - posted below, italicized for quick reference.
As I have seen many posts about this issue...

Why do the baby dragons tend to use Heal more than Bite, despite the fact that I have 12 points in Fighting and only 2 in Protection ?

This is due to the way your baby dragon AI works. (More details at the end of the post)
It is not impossible that the AI gets modified in the near future due to your feedback, though.

How often does the baby dragon use its skills?

It has to decide whether it will do its normal attack, or use a skill. This equation is used to determine that:

R <= 10 + Ceiling[0.1 * Stats + (PlayerCHA + PlayerLUK) / 10]

R is a random integer between 0 and 100 included. (0 <= R <= 100)
Stats is an integer corresponding to the total of baby dragon stat points currently ATTRIBUTED.
Ceiling(value) means that "value" is always rounded UP, even if it is 0.0001.

When this equation is verified, the baby dragon will use a skill. Otherwise, he will do its normal attack.

When our dragon uses a skill, how does it decide which?

It will check, in that order:

If 0 <= R < Protec, the baby dragon will use its Protection skill
If Protec <= R < (Protec + Magic), the baby dragon will use its Magic skill.
If (Protec + Magic) <= R < (Protec + Magic + Fight), he will use its Fighting skill.
If (Protec + Magic + Fight) <= R < (Protec + Magic + Fight + Assist), he will use its Assitance skill.
If (Protec + Magic + Fight + Assist) <= R <= 100, he will use its Mischief skill.

R is the random integer that was rolled in the previous equation. (0 <= R <= 100)
Protec is the percentage of Protection points in the total of attributed points.
Magic is the percentage of Magic points in the total of attributed points.
Fight is the percentage of Fighting points in the total of attributed points.
Assist is the percentage of Assistance points in the total of attributed points.

The first equation to be verified will decide which skill type is used for this turn. (If a skill type has 0 points, the check fails and go to the next.)

Now that the skill type is chosen, which skill level will the baby dragon pick?

It will pick the highest one, always. This means that if you have the level 2 skill in Assistance, your baby dragon will give you an END bonus...but he will not give you a bonus to hit anymore (Skill level 1).

What is the rate at which my baby dragon's skill level gains power?

Well, each skill level extends over 40 points, and the more points, the more it grows in power.
However, skill levels do not gain power on a point-basis. One more point does not necessarily give the skill more power.
In fact, it works by tiers. There are 5 skill levels per skill type, and 5 tiers per skill level.
(Let's make it clear: Assistance is a skill type, and "Increase Player END" is a skill level. A skill level increases in power as its tier grows.)

This assumes that you have at least one point in the skill type (if you have 0, no skill of that type can perform.).
Level 1: 1-40
Level 2: 41-80
Level 3: 81-120
Level 4: 121-160
Level 5: 161-200

The power (tier) of each level is:
Ceiling[ (CurPoints - MinLevel + 1) / 8]

CurPoints is the total points you have in that skill type. (1 <= CurPoints <= 200)
MinLevel is the "Min" number of the skill level you have reached (See the list few lines above)
Ceiling(value) means that "value" is always rounded UP, even if it is 0.0001.

Basically, your baby dragon gains power every 8 skill points. He reaches a new tier at 1 point (tier 1), 9 points (tier 2), 17 (tier 3), 25 (tier 4), 33 (tier 5). The most powerful tier for the current skill level is tier 5. When the dragon reaches a new skill level, its tier gets back to 1.
What extra power each new tier gives depends on the skill type and the skill level.

(Again) Why do the baby dragons tend to use Heal more than Bite, despite the fact that I have 12 points in Fighting and only 2 in Protection?

Because of R, the random number. A skill is used ONLY when R is inferior or equal to the value stated in the right side of the first equation, at the top of this post.
If you had 29 CHA, 29 LUK and 500 attributed stat points, R would be an integrer between 0 and 66 included.
The values from 67 to 100 included would be unaccessible. This and the way in which skill-selection checks are done, are the reason why the first checks for skill-selection are the most probable to be verified if you have points in the corresponding skill type.

So, if you have only 2 points in Protection and as much as 12 points in Fighting, and 0 CHA and LUK, you will NEVER do the bite attack (Fighting skill level 1).
Because you would have 14 total attributed points, Protection points would represent ~14.29% of the total, so you would need a R of 15 at least to use bite.
But if the dragon is using a skill, it means that R can't be above 12 (due to the first equation).

No bitey for ye. With this point repartition, you would need to have CHA+LUK >= 27 to have a chance to see the bite attack.
(At 27, the skill used will be Bite once out of 16, and Heal 15 times out of 16. Despite the fact that you have 12 in Fighting and only 2 in Protection.)

[Edit: The thing in red is an update. (Fixing an error)]
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