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 Quest Guides [UPDATED]

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PostSubject: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 4:21 am

Alot of these is nt made by me i just edited abit.

AirShip Quest 1 :
Location: Isle d'Oriens -> scene with Lady Tomo There's a cloud hiding in/above the trees. Click on it.

Need a lift? I found this strange object in the sky, looked like a boat
from where I was. I'm going to check it out. If you want to join, hang

(Options: Hang on to the Nimbo! (Continue) | No thanks, I get airsick. (Cancel))

As you finally reach the ship, you get a strange feeling that something
is amiss. Humidius can't keep up with the altitude so you will be on
your own for a while. Look around the ship for anything suspicious.

Magnae Ama:
Welcome to my ship little one! I am Magnae Ama. You may have already
met my partner Vince, if not, then you havn't been looking hard enough.

You: What is this place? How in the world did you get a ship to fly?
Magnae Ama:
This land is littered with impossibilities, its all a matter of
harnessing the right ones. My partner may have given up his drakel
roots as a warrior, but I continue to train up here.
You: Impossibilities? what do you mean by that?
Magnae Ama: I have no time for you questions puny warrior, I have a ship to run!
Magnae Ama: Feel free to walk around, but beware of your steps. This is a warship, not a playground. Also, stay out of the basement.
You: Why? what do you hide in the basement?
Magnae Ama:
More questions? The basement hold the engine room, a place which you do
not want to play around in. Unless you want to send us crashing into
the ground.
You: ...

(Magnae Ama slides away.)

You: ...That was creepy...

Ball and Chain

Magnae Ama: What happened? What have you done to my ship?
You: Your ship? Your ship just attacked me!
Magnae Ama: Don't be foolish, it is you who is attacking my ship. These are my training grounds, I warned you to be careful.
Magnae Ama: You have caused enough damage for today, leave this place, you are no longer welcome.
You: But my Nimbo has left, how am I supposed to get down?
Magnae Ama: Your problem, not mine. Either you jump, or my blade throws you over.
You: Ack!

(Humidius reappears.)

Humidius: Ready to leave? I can't stay up here much longer. This ship is venting a strange gas which is blowing me away!

(Options: Let's go! (Exit - Returns you to Isle D'Oriens.) | I'll stay (Continue.))

Humidius: Suit yourself, I won't be far so when you're ready to leave return here and I will pick you up

(Navigate through the area and fight monsters. Make sure to click on
everything. Monsters reappear in this area when you go backwards.)

Battle (without going backwards)
Ball and Chain
Ball and Chain

(Enter the Basement - Assume that you move to the next room after the guard slides away.)

This place smells horrible! No wonder she tried to keep me away. Looks
like there is enough animal feed in here to keep Aria's pets fed for a
few lifetimes!
?: Halt! Who goes there? Trespassing eh? Fear me!

Battle Little Guard.

Guard: No fair! you're bigger than me!

(Guard slides away.)
(Remember to keep clicking everything.)

Guard: Back for more? This time I won't give you any chances!

Battle Little Guard.

Guard: Bah, had dust in my eye!

(Guard slides away.)

You: I must be getting closer, I can hear muffled cries...
Guard: Yaaaaaaaaah!

Battle Little Guard.

Guard: I better get help...

(Guard slides away.)

Guard: This is the last time someone pushes me around!

(transformation cut scene)

Battle Big Guard.

Guard: Time to feel my full power of giant awesomeness!
Guard: Super-Ultra-Mega-Rocket-Power!

(Click around to trigger the next scene and repeat.)

(Solve the puzzle with the collected puzzle pieces. You can only access it if you have all of the puzzle pieces.)

You: You monster!
Magnae Ama: I told you to stay away, this place is not meant for your eyes.
You: This is torture! Release these creatures immediately!
Magnae Ama:
Release them? Are you mad? These creatures are keeping us in the air!
They breathe out an ultra-light gas only found within their lungs,
which I use to keep us above ground.
You: I don't care if it sends us crashing into the mountains below! Release them now Drakel! Or I will release them for you!
Magnae Ama:
Have it your way human, but I warn you...Drakel don't give up easily.
Let me show you what centuries of Magiscience can do to a creature...

Last edited by on Sun Dec 30, 2007 9:32 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 4:22 am

AirShip Quest 2 :

Tall Mutant Squib
Dog Mutant Squib
Demon Mutant Squib
Fat Mutant Squib
Demon Mutant Squib

You: Its over Magnae...
Magnae Ama:
The ship! It's falling! Without the gas, we'll crash into the rock.
Follow me human, free the rest of the creature and let us leave. No use
losing any more cargo over your stupid mistakes.


Magnae Ama:
There's no way off human, looks like its over for both of us. But
before we crash, I need to know one thing...Why did you do it? You knew
we'd fall if you fought back.
You: I had to, I could not leave those creatures chained lik that under your ship. It was the right thing to do.
Magnae Ama:
The right thing? Even at the cost of your own life? You may have weak
skin human, but I admire your strength. You'd make a great warrior in
the Drakel ranks.
You: Well, this wasn't how I expected to
go, but at least there is a great view out here. Do you think if we
jumped at the exact moment the ship is about to crash...
Magnae Ama: -Ha! you never give up, do you?
Humidius: There you are! Quick! We have to leave! I only barely have enough energy to keep up with this thing!

(Humidius surrounds the character.)

You: Hang on to me Magnae! There's no much time left.
Magnae Ama: You are noble, human, but we both know the cloud will never support us both. Fly away friend, fly as far as you can.
You: ...Goodbye Magnae...

(Cut scene.)

After going through the wreckage, it seems as if Magnae escaped to
safety. She is nowhere to be found, but you have a feeling that you
will see her again soon...

[I Used Copy And Paste XD]
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:16 am

Frogzard Hunter Quest: Part 1

The Frogzard Hunter: Frogzard Hunter here! We are in the Wilds of Athzes... on the trail of the fierce and elusive frogzard!
The Frogzard Hunter: And with me today is one of the adventurers of Battleon. Stick with me and you'll learn a lot about Frogzard lore.
The Frogzard Hunter: Hold on! I think I see one now! You must
approach the Frogzard with extreme caution... and when you make a grab
at it, do not grab the teeth!
The Frogzard Hunter: Gotcha little bugger!
The Frogzard Hunter: CRICKEY!!!
The Frogzard Hunter: Look out mate! Here comes another...


The Frogzard Hunter: Crickey, look at the size of these teeth!
Say,would you mind helpin' a feller out? Just knock the little bugger
off my head. Be careful to not hit me though!

Frogzard Hunter

The Frogzard Hunter: Thanks mate! I owe ya one.
The Frogzard Hunter: Did you hear that? Sounded like thunder. Must be a storm moving in.
The Frogzard Hunter: Or perhaps a rare Zappitus Frogazarditus... Better known around here as the EnergyZard!
The Frogzard Hunter: Crickey, here he comes! Put the beat down on that bloke.I'll just wait for you over here.


The Frogzard Hunter: Good job!
The Frogzard Hunter: Fortunately, a good wildlife management professional always carries a healing potion.

The Frogzard Hunter hands you a potion.

The Frogzard Hunter: Now, most people think the only good Frogzard is a dead one... but not me. Hey? Do you smell something Burning?


The Frogzard Hunter: Nice fighting! That fella tried to barby me like a shrimp.
The Frogzard Hunter: Brrrr... weather changes rapidly in this part of the continent. Perhaps we will get the chance to spot the rare IceZard.


The Frogzard Hunter: I guess you gave that fella the cold shoulder... Hey! Wait a minute. He dropped something!
The Frogzard Hunter: Crikey! What a rare find.. some sort of weapon! It is very unusual to find something like this in the wild.
The Frogzard Hunter: Aiieeeeee!!! Hey, this one has a tail.


The Frogzard Hunter: Good job mate! Maybe we will find the Frogzard weapon in our next adventure.
The Frogzard Hunter: G'day for now mates, and be sure to join us
next time when we set off to find the wild and wiley ****** zard and
her treasure! to be continued...
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:17 am

Frogzard Hunter Quest: Part 2

The Frogzard Hunter: Well, 'ello there mate! We are back for another helping of Frogzard fun!
The Frogzard Hunter: ... And with us again today is *THE*
leading authority on Frogzard lore! This Adventurer has fought more
Zards then most people realize exist!
The Frogzard Hunter: What was that ? Did you just feel a breeze?
The Frogzard Hunter: I can see my house from up here....... weeeeeeeeeee!


The Frogzard Hunter: Now that bloke was just full of hot air. You know what they say... Zards of a feather... um... how's that go again?
The Frogzard Hunter: Anyway, it is a pretty sunny day. I am suprised we have not run into any Rayzards. They are a rare breed of Frogzard.
The Frogzard Hunter: They actually recive thier power from the
sun and can redirect it into a powerful attack that has the potentional
to blind an opponent!
The Frogzard Hunter: Hey there is one...look, he is gearing up to launch a blast at me!
The Frogzard Hunter: Crickey!!! The bugger blinded me!
The Frogzard Hunter: ...ouch.


The Frogzard Hunter: Today are true objective is to find the legendary Frogzard Blade. It is an ancient weapon of untold power.
The Frogzard Hunter: ... and to get it, we need to jump in the drink. Hope you brought your swimming trunks mate!
Adventurer: Excuse me... Frogzard Hunter. I would like to make a comment.
The Frogzard Hunter: Sure thing! What is on your mind ?
Adventurer: Well, not to be rude or anything... but that is the worst looking water I have ever seen in my entire life.
Adventurer I mean, look at it... it is the wrong color of blue
and those squiggly lines do not even look like waves. I mean they are
facing the wrong way!
Adventurer...and while I am at it. Your pants are funny looking.
The Frogzard Hunter: ...
Adventurer: Sorry, that is all.
The Frogzard Hunter: Right-O! Lets go for a dive!


The Frogzard Hunter: Whew! Now that was refreshing! It always surprises me how long the average adventurer can hold their breath.
The Frogzard Hunter: *Hears a growl* Crickey!... I would know that sound anywhere! The mighty Frogzard ******. Not a friendly beast by any measure.
The Frogzard Hunter: Ah, there you are... I hope you brought some potions. MotherZard is guarding the legendary sword!
The Frogzard Hunter: Now, the MotherZard herself is not so
bad... it is the kids you need to look out for. Those little buggers
will swarm you and...
The Frogzard Hunter: no worries mate! I can flip these off with one move!
The Frogzard Hunter: Woooohoooo! Did you see that mate ? Zards rule?.. Bah! I rule!!!
The Frogzard Hunter: Now lets get going.....
The Frogzard Hunter: Maybe you should take this one.


The Frogzard Hunter: Good job mate! While you were distracting the MotherZard I found it! The legendary Frogzard Sword.
The Frogzard Hunter: I think you should hold on to this for awhile. You earned it!

You gain Frogzard Sword

The Frogzard Hunter: It is now in your inventory, but be warned, it will disappear when you log off or go to the shop.
The Frogzard Hunter: One more thing...
The Frogzard Hunter: If the MotherZard created all the Frogzards... Who created the MotherZard ?
The Frogzard Hunter: Just a thought.
The Frogzard Hunter: CRICKEY!!!

Grandmother Zard

The Frogzard Hunter: That was interesting... I've got some zards to go round up. I'll see you later!
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:21 am

The Undead at the Monolith

You: Okay, so here I am. I wonder if volunteering to watch the monolith was a good idea after all...
You: ............
You: Hehe, nevermind. There doesn't seem to be anything going on here! I actually wouldn't mind a little excitement.
The Reaper: What is that you said?
You: Gah! You're-- you're--
The Reaper: Come now, I can't hear you. Speak up! No wait-- I don't have any ears, so I guess that doesn't make a difference.
The Reaper: Ah well, here is a little something to keep you busy.

Level 25 and Below
Giant Spider
Lesser Zombie
Sickly Zombie
Undead Knight
Undead Mage (14)
Undead Moglin Knight
Undead Soldier
Undead Troll
Undead Wounded

Level 26-50
Draegan Avenger
Drakath, Undead Dragon (30)
Moglin Fiend
Pygmy Zombie (30)
Skull Swarm (30)
Undead Commander
Undead giant
Undead King
Undead Skull Knight
Undead Skuller
Zombie Dragon (38)
Zombie Knight

Level 51 and Above
Big Zombie
Drakath, Undead Dragon (65)
Ghost (53)
Moglin Death Knight
Moglin Ghost
Moglin Phantom
Pile O’Bones
Pygmy Zombie (65)
Undead Basher
Undead Berserker
Undead Giant Moglin
Undead Moglin demon
Undead Skuller
Undead Warlord
Undead Wolf Master
Zombie Commander (98)
Zombie Dragon (70)

The Reaper: My my, you are quite resilient, fleshling.
You: Just what are you doing here?? Is this stone clock something YOU made?
The Reaper:
Actually, it seems I am here mistakenly. You see, I thought it was time
for me to do my "clean-up" job that is scheduled here in Stonerule...
The Reaper: ...but I have come here too early.
You: Clean-up job?? What do you mean exactly?
The Reaper In a while there will be more souls to collect here than I have seen in a long time. THAT'S what I mean by clean-up.
You: Maybe we should evacuate Stonerule.
The Reaper HAHA. Evacuation will only prolong the inevitable. And if there is ONE thing I am all about, it's the inevitable.

The Reaper So, while I'm here, I might as well have a try at collecting your soul. Want to take me up on the challenge?

Fight the Reaper

The Reaper

Flee the Reaper

You: Uh, no thanks. I'll pass on that for now. Lots of leveling up left to do. Heh.
The Reaper: No skin off my back. Literally. I'll be seeing you, fleshling...
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:22 am


Doppleganger Challenge

As you approach the front door, you feel a strange chill run down your spine...

You: Uh-oh... that can't be good. Looks like my door is part-way open. But I don't remember leaving it unlocked.

Door opens and eyes can be seen.

You: Okay, now I KNOW I didn't leave it unlocked. Come on out, coward!

It's You!

You: Mogloween is crreeeeppppppyy! Now I can say I OWNED myself.
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:24 am

Custom Weapon Quest

Yulgar: Welcome to you! My friend Blackhawke here has come
with some good news. It seems a large caravan carrying a massive cargo
of weapon parts was raided in the northern hills!
From what I hear, the parts are scattered everywhere. Someone would
just have to wander around for a while, fighting off the occasional
monster of course, to find some.
Blackhawke: A little word
of advice: Watch out for the bandits who raided the caravan. They'll be
out looking for the parts too, and they're well armed.
Yulgar: Bring the pieces back to me when you've found the ones you want and I will forge you a custom weapon from them!
You only need to buy the weapon ONE TIME... after that, whenever you go
out and find new parts, I will automatically re-forge it with the new
Blackhawke: You will find blades that determine
your damage, handles that determine accuracy, hilts that determine your
weapon's element, and even magical gems that-- do magic things. Hmf.
I'm a fighter, not a mage.
Yulgar: Well what are you waiting for! Start hunting on the hills for the weapon parts!
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:25 am

Part 2


Level 25 and Below
Knight (10)
Green Knight (20)
Lance Knight (18)
Axe Knight (12)
Drakel Caster
Torch Foot
Evil Eye
Drakel Water Mage
Orc Archer
The Bloatt

Level 26-49
Knight (10)
Knight (30)
Green Knight (20)
Lance Knight (18)
Lance Knight (36)
Axe Knight (12)
Axe Knight (24)
Tank Knight (40)
Forest Demon
O'Greeny (20)
Ghost (20)
Weather Witch
Death Witch
Light Vampragon (30)
Hirroo (30)
Draegan Avenger

Level 50 and Above
Knight (30)
Green Knight (20)
Green Knight (40)
Lance Knight (36)
Axe Knight (24)
Tank Knight (70)
Tank Knight (40)
Moglin Phantom
O'Meany (40)
Pheron (40)
Demon Spectre
Undead Mage
Moglin Ghost
Lightbringer (50)
Ghost (53)
Undead Moglin Demon
Hirroo (60)
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:25 am

Part 3

Luck Check!
Search the area for a weapon part. Ask yourself if you feel lucky today.

Difficulty: 50
Stat Used: Luck

If you roll a 50 or below you fight another monster from the above list.
If you roll a 51 or greater:

You Found (One of the following) Read the Custom Weapon entry for details on each part.

Fire Ore

Well Balanced

Level 0+
Very Sharp

Well Formed and Perfectly Shaped
Energetic and Perfectly Shaped
Energetic and Shaped
Well Formed and Shaped
Well Formed Unshaped

Keep it! or Don't Take it!

Do you want to continue looking for more pieces of the custom weapon or return to town ?

Quest on! Will put you into another monster fight.
Back to the Inn will take you back to Yulgar's inn where you can
purchase your weapon if you have a part from each category. You can
also get up to 5 potions from the bag in Yulgar's inn.

If you do not have a part from each category:

Welcome back! Remember, after you buy your weapon ONE TIME, you don't
need to buy it again. It will be re-forged whenevr you go find more

Quest on! Will put you into another monster fight.
Leave the Inn will take you back to Battleon.
Forge my weapon! will take you to the shop so you can purchase your
custom weapon for 5000 gold. (This option only appears if you have a
hilt, blade, handle and gem.)

Blackhawke: Now THAT is a fine weapon!
Quest on! Will put you into another monster fight.
Leave the Inn will take you back to Battleon.
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:26 am

Special Cutscene

Eternal: You… you have returned after all these years…
Huntress: For ten centuries I have traveled, waiting for the return.
Eternal: Where have you been? I, trapped in my own body have waited for you to show yourself.
Huntress: I have been following the Devourer’s wake. I’ve been traveling through time, through space, taking every step along its side.
You have betrayed yourself, how could you follow it when it has killed
everything I love? It has taken my friends, my family… And now you too…

Huntress: My time is up. Be prepared father, a war is
nearing. You shall need all the help you can get. This time, it will
not leave you standing…

The Huntress Leaves

Eternal: We will have to get you an armor little friend...
Pae: Meep!
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:27 am

The Huntress Cutscene: Part 1

Yulgar: You brought me to the basement of the Guardian Tower. This place is closed off to almost everyone! How did you--?
Huntress: I can rip open interdimensional doorways using the Gauntlet of The’galin.
Yulgar: Hm—well that just brought up way to many new questions…
Yulgar: Okay, so you know who my grandfather and great-grandfather and THEIR great-grandfathers were.
HOW do you know that stuff, and WHY did you abduct me from my own Inn??
And you’d better have some good answers-- or these gloves’re comin’
Huntress: You, Yulgar, are in possession of some important knowledge that will impact the very future existence of Lore.
I have a sacred duty, which I have followed for centuries, and I will
stop at nothing to succeed. I do not know you, and I do not know your
Huntress: --but I promise you this: If you do not do as I say-- if you challenge me--
Huntress: -- I will have no choice but to flay the flesh from you bones.
Yulgar: Don’t you think that’s a little harsh? I mean, we barely know each other. Maybe we should start over again…
Huntress: Tell me where your ancestors hid the weapons, blacksmith.
WHAT weapons? I hate to tell you, but my ancestors and I have made and
awful lot of weapons over the years. And again-- I don’t know you.
I’m getting a really BAD VIBE from you-- like the worst possible things
in the world follow you around everywhere. You’d better tell me what
EXACTLY is going on, or-- or--
Huntress: I brought you
here because this is where secrets would be kept. The last Guardian
Tower of Lore, storage place of many valuable things.
Huntress: Perhaps even a locked book would be kept here… a book that only YOU could open. That tells of where THE WEAPONS were taken.
Yulgar: ??? I don’t know about any book.
Huntress: You only need to look for it, and it shall find you. Now, look! I need to know WHERE THEY ARE!!
Yulgar: I think you need to get out of my way-- I’m not doing anything until I talk to some friends of mine.

The Huntress grabs Yulgar

Yulgar: *urk*
Yulgar: You’re a lot stronger than you LOOK… hehe. Did I tell you that you have very nice eyes?
Huntress: No you haven’t. But the last thing I need to hear is a compliment. You, by the way, are a lot HEAVIER than you look.
The book of your ancestors is here, and only you will know how to open
it. Inside we will find the location of the weapons I seek.
Yulgar: Why can’t you tell me more??
Huntress: For now, the less you know-- the better.
Yulgar: Okay, I’ll open the book, but you’d better pray you’re one of the good guys when the time comes.
Huntress: Prayer will be of little help to any of us, bearded one…
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:27 am

The Huntress Cutscene: Part 2

Huntress: You were lying to me weren’t you? You knew where the book was all along.
Not… exactly. As soon as we arrived here, I had a strange feeling… gave
me goosebumps. Something tells me that this book you want is in these
Huntress: Get it.

Yulgar breaks open a box to find the book "Weapons of Salvation"

Yulgar: The… book. It’s actually there.

On this, the third harvest moon after our blessed return from hiding,
I, Bord Smythedge of Oaklore Village, have set down to keep record of a
discovery we have made that may one day help our ancestors should the
abominable evil that ravaged our lands ever return. Alas, this
discovery was made many years too late to help the thousands who did
perish in the grasp of the World-Eater.
I, being a blacksmith, was charged with finding a way to make the
glowing metal into weapons of the highest order and then hid them on a
long trek to...

Maximus: Who goes there?!?
Yulgar: !!!
I recognize you. You’re the Innkeeper and blacksmith! How did you get
down here??? Only we elite Tower Guardians can enter the basement!
Yulgar: It wasn’t me-- I was teleported here by that woman!!
Maximus: WHAT woman?
Yulgar: Uhhhh… she calls herself the Huntress… and she was RIGHT HERE!! Just a minute ago!!
Okay, I don’t know what you’ve been experimenting with down here, but
put DOWN the hammer and raise your hands in the air. You’re coming with

The Huntress defeats Maximus

Yulgar: ……………………….
Please tell me that you’re not going to leave me here to take the blame
for stealing the book and knocking out this elite Tower Guardian.
Huntress: That is exactly what I am going to do. When he wakes up you will have a witness, at least. Until then, you are on your own.
Yulgar: And what’s your next move going to be--?

The Huntress dissappears.

Yulgar: !!! Come ON-- give a blacksmith a BREAK!!
Guard: What’s going on down there?!?!
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:27 am

The Huntress Cutscene: Part 3

Yulgar: Artix! What took you so long?

Artix: I had forgotten this jail was under the Guardian Tower basement.

Yulgar: How is that guard doing that the huntress knocked out?

Artix: He’ll live. He confirmed your story about this “Huntress”… and Hans did too. We’ll have you out of here in no time.

Yulgar: Why can’t you get me out of here now?

Artix: uhh… Someone lost the key.

Yulgar: NICE
Artix: Warlic and Robina took off following the energy signature of this Huntress’ special portal-making glove you mentioned.
Yulgar: Just get me out of here so I can actually help catch her-- I’d like to see HER behind these bars… grr
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:28 am

The Huntress Cutscene: Part 4

Huntress: Ahh… This place is quite familiar.
Yulgar: Can we put her in jail already?
Artix: Hehe…
Warlic: She has done no permanent harm, Yulgar. Except to your pride.
Yulgar: Hmf. Are you sure we can’t just lock her up for an hour or two?
Huntress: I heard that, Blacksmith.
Yulgar: Hey-- you want a piece of me again, I’m right here….
Warlic: YULGAR…
Yulgar: ehem….
Yulgar: So Artix, does your axe need sharpening?
Artix: We are all together here for one reason… To learn what we can about the Devourer before it is too late.
Warlic: Huntress, please, start at the beginning. Tell us what you know…
What I tell you is only from my perspective-- there will no doubt be
some things that I do not know about The’Galin-- the Devourer as you
call him.
Warlic: Tell us what you can.
Huntress: It began many centuries ago… nearly 1,000 years in the past…

The’Galin came to lore, Humanity was one of the lesser races, along
with the Elves and Dwarves. The Elves hid deep within forest, veiled in
magic; the Dwarves hid in their mountains, and Humans hid everywhere
in-between. Some Humans joined with other races, and combining their
ingenuity, found special places to hide… Such as creating floating
towns like Isle d’Oriens, tethered between the world and the Ethereal

The greatest race at the time of The’Galin’s last
arrival was the Drakel. In distant past the Drakel represent a link
between Humanity and Dragonkind, and yet they are not half-dragons. The
Drakel advanced so far that they were able to use magic and technology
in perfect harmony. With their ‘magiscience’ the Drakel build cities
that were able to withstand The’Galin’s destructive powers. The Drakel
survived, but remained walled away for centuries.

In the
meantime, Humanity and the other intelligent races returned from hiding
and rebuilt Lore’s civilizations. My family did not survive The’Galin’s
attack, though. All but myself and my father lived. My Father became
the Eternal, given neverending life so that he could measure the days
until The’Galin’s return. The’Galin himself gave him this gift-- this
curse. I, his only living child, he spirited away with him to Isle
d’Oriens. I was then but a small child…

Even as a child I knew what I had to devote my life to. I had to stop
at nothing to find a way to destroy The’Galin. And so I studied with
many scholars for years.
Huntress: And with the help of my
father, and several human-friendly Drakel, I constructed my Gauntlet--
because I had learned the only way to have any chance of stopping
Warlic: -- was to follow his path through the
universe. The Gauntlet is tuned for only your use in this purpose--
letting you carve interdimensional portals.
Artix: So you followed the Devourer-- you left your father, and lore, behind-- and you went after your hated enemy.
I still don’t understand… just what IS the Devourer-- or The’Galin as
you call it? And if this all started almost a thousand years ago-- why
are you still alive??
Huntress: The’Galin is only one name
for the Devourer… There are other people who know more about his
origins than I do. But suffice to say, he is the opposing force to
Warlic: He is destruction incarnate.
I still appear young because living in-between universes, as The’Galin
does, halts the flow of time. While I am here on lore, I am aging
Yulgar: Well, ehem… You don’t look a DAY past 4 centuries.
Huntress: My, you are not only exceedingly hairy-- you are also a comedian. A true renaissance man.
SO-- before this becomes a wrestling match-- let me say this. We now
have a plan, though it is still sorely lacking in valuable information.
Which, I believe we shall find.
Warlic: We must now secure
the weapons that the Huntress was after-- weapons that will help us
battle the Devourer’s forces. Our next stop is therefore-- Isle
Yulgar: I STILL can’t believe that Adder is a cousin of mine. It’s also quite funny that the Huntress got the two of us mixed up.
Huntress: Funny? Are you calling ME funny? Funny how? HA-HA funny, or funny like a clown??
Warlic: uhh… Artix… Maybe we should leave now.
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:29 am

The Dark Orb

Morgul sends you along the Eastern Tread Road to meet a friend of his who may know where the Orb of Dark Power was taken.

Grink: Ahh, yeees... you are the one my maaaster sent. you
search for an Orb of Darkness, hm? Travel to the end of Skraeling
Desert. I saw a Light Sentinel who so rudely took the orb from it's
Slaxe guardian.
Grink: Beware... the Sentinel has several companions with him. One of his filty Rayzards almost spotted me.

Grink's arm falls off.

Grink: Ouch... that hurt.

You wander around Skraeling Desert, for two days, and then...

Prismix: Halt! You trespass in the territory of Garom Kachare, a
prime Sentinel if the Light Lord. Turn back or we will be forced to
deal with you.

Prismix (3)

Prismix: You may have bested my siblings, but you will now have to face the wrath of Garom Kachere himself!

You follow the Prismix and come to the lair of Garom Kachere. You feel the prescene of the Dark Orb.

Garom Kachere: I know why you have come, human, and I cannot
allow you to return the dark orb to its owner. Take this treasure chest
as a gift. In return, please leave here so that I may continue to find
a way to destroy the orb.

Potion Treasure Chest

Garom Kachere: Now, please leave, and reconsider the dark path you have chosen.


Glow Worm

Light Sentinel

Within the Light Sentinel's lair, you find the dark orb you were
seeking. Until now, you have never seen an elemental orb of power, but
you know there are many. You deliver the orb to Morgul, and he gives it
to his master, whoever that may be...
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:29 am


Emerald Slime
Hell Hound
Potion Treasure Chest
Stone Golem
Undead King
Undead Knight
Undead Troll
Undead Wounded
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:30 am


BATTLE (Each comes in a pack of 3)
Dastardly Gloop
Demon Cat
Drakel Caster
Drakel Enforcer
Drakel Warrior
Drakel Water Mage
Drone (10)
Elvish Warrior
Emerald Slime
Evil Eye
Fire Golem
Fire Knight
Fire Mantik
Ice Knight
Light Vampragon
Little BURP
Mondrogor (82)
Orc Archer
Orc Swordsman
Salamander Hatchling
Snow Warrior
Stone Golem
Swamp Trog
Torch Foot
Tundra Reaver
Undead Archer
Undead Ribber (25)
Vampire Slayer (30)
Worm Knight

After each battle, you gain 1 Mana Potion and 1 Health Potion.
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:31 am

Twilly vs. Zorbak: Part 1
Zorbak: Meh hehehe….
Twilly: Hiya Zorbak! What are you doing here? Last time we saw you, you were walking off with your long-lost brother Kabroz!
Zorbak: Twilly! How nice to see your big red football-shaped noggin once again.
Zorbak: To answer your question, I was rather happy to find my brother. I never thought he had it in him…
Twilly: What do you mean? He was the one who turned a whole Moglin village into a ghost town!
Zorbak: Yes! How cool is that? He made me so proud!
Zorbak: He was always the quiet underachiever when we were children.
Zorbak: At last I have found someone who is ALMOST an equal of my incredible talent!
Zorbak: You have just seen the first result of our combined powers… but those freaks were nothing compared to what we can do!
Twilly: Why… you… you… You are a bad, bad Moglin!
Zorbak: Mehehe… Muhahahaha!! Don’t push it you little plush-doll-looking punk, or thou shalt be owned.
Twilly: Is that…. A CHALLENGE?!
Zorbak: Muhahaha! I’ve waited so long to do this!
Twilly: Um… Do what exactly?
Zorbak: PUNT TWILLY!!!!
Twilly: Hey, that’s very disrespectful!! Anyway, did you forget about what makes me so special??
Zorbak: Special? What kind of special? Special-special, or just special?
Twilly: *grumble grumble*
Twilly: Silly ebil Moglin! Twilly is special because Twilly is a great HEALER, okay??!
Twilly: A-HAH!! Now, feel the true wrath of Twilly!!
Zorbak: There’s something to be said for offensive magic.
Zorbak: Let this be a lesson to you. As a hero of mine once said: “Ebil will always win over good, because good is dumb!”
Zorbak: Mehehehehe.
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:32 am

Twilly vs. Zorbak: Part 2

Twilly: I KNEW I'd find you here........... hiding out near your
old home village........... which is now abandoned because you and your
brother turned everyone into zombies!
Mehehehe..... You are smarter than I thought, though still as dimwitted
as can be! You have just walked into another one of my EBIL traps,
foolish little Moglin!
Zorbak: Let's see if you managed to learn anything yet from all your past defeats at my hands! Mehehehe!!
Twilly: What?? Do you think I actually didn't realize I was walking into a trap, and came here unprepared?!!

Twilly has always been a very innocent Moglin, but he has been learning
a lot about the way bad guys like Zorbak work from you lately! See how
your knowledge helps Twilly.
Difficulty: 10
Stat Used: Intelligence

After winning:
Even though you won the INT roll, you can now choose to PRETEND like you didn't!

If you choose: Yes I did win!! after winning the stat roll.

Zorbak: NOO!! That can't be!
Twilly: Haha! I did it! I guess I have been learning a lot! Now, Zorbak you'll see just how prepared I was!!
Zorbak: Grrrrr...

Twilly comes back in a Drakel Power Armor

Well now! Who is the Moglin in the Drakel power armor, Zorbak?? Hmm? I
am going to dish out some coporeal punishment, the kind your parents
should have given to you!
Zorbak: No one upstages the great and powerful Zorbak! NO ONE!!!

Zorbak shoots dark energy at Twilly, who blocks it and counters with an energy ball of his own.

Zorbak: Ow. You may have gotten the better of me today, Twilly, but I will run away and live to fight another day!!
Twilly: What is it you told me before? "Ebil will always win because good is dumb"? You better run now before this cannon recharges!!

Zorbak flees.

Twilly: Twilly OWNZORS!!

If you choose: I didn't Win, or lose the stat roll.

MEHEHEHE!!! You are still the same Twilly I remember! Now I will
destroy you and that silly football-shaped head of yours once and for
Twilly: Oh yeah?? Well I brought help!!
You: Okay, Zorbak, now it's time to answer to all the crimes you have comitted!
Zorbak: I don't think so, Adventurer! I brought help TOO!!


Level 25 and Below

Drakath, Undead Dragon (30)

Level 26-49

Drakath, Undead Dragon (65)

Level 50 and Above

Drakath, Undead Dragon (100)

You: Twilly is going to owe me for this one...
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:32 am

Into The Darkness
Wow! That potion I just drank shrank me down to the size of a mouse!
That teaches me not to drink from strange bottles lying around in the
Me: That mouse hole looks interesting. I wonder what's in there? Probably just a mouse...

Smelly Rat

Me: Yes! I found my way back out of the hole. I wonder what will happen next?


Me: What a curious adventure I've had! Whoah! I feel funny... I think the potion is wearing off...

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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:34 am

Dragon War Time Scroll
you open the scroll you feel your head begin to spin. Suddenly, strange
lights appear before you and you are transported backwards through

Moon Called:
Our friends are already on the battlefield fighting... they need your
help! I have never seen a battle so fierce. But we must win! We must
stop the evil fire dragon!

An Adventurer: I am so
jealous! I wanted the Ice Claymore from Twilly but he said he was
holding on to it for you. You are so lucky! Do not worry, when we
finally break through the fire army, I will watch your back when you
fight Akriloth!

Evil Firezard Minion:
Rarrrwwrrrrraaarrrrr! (Translation: "Akriloth is going to eat you all
and go eat your families... ouch, Artix's foot hurts right there.

Enemy Fire Knight: Help! I've fallen and I can't get up! ... Haha when I do get up I am going to stab all of your friends there in the back!

Kick 'em

Enemy Fire Knight: OUCH! That was not very nice... I hope Akriloth breathes fire and burns your house down!

Kick 'em... again!

Enemy Fire Knight:
YEOWCH! ... heh... you call that a kick? I bet you get beaten by level
1 frogzards! Akriloth is going to crush your puny human army and eat
you as a snack! You do not have a ....

One more, aim low!

Enemy Fire Knight: *Super high pitched voice* ... chance.

Artix von Krieger:
I just knew you would be here! Tis' an honor to fight by thy side! I
came here to ask Twilly to heal me so I can get back to helping to
defeat the fire monsters. That evil Dragon's days are numbered.
Artix von Krieger:
Akriloth, the Evil Fire Dragon taunting us from that volcano, has
killed many of our fellow adventurers, and destroyed several towns. He
even stole the magical Fire Orb which made him nearly invincable!
Artix von Krieger:
Since he obtained the Fire Orb, he has been attacking everyone on
random encounters. The only thing that could stop him was an ancient
weapon known as the Ice Scythe... long story... but it is the Ice
Claymore now!
Artix von Krieger: All of the adventurers in
the world came together and beat the impossible odds to recover the Ice
Claymore; Fire Demons... Ice Demons... Undead Dragons...
Artix von Krieger:
... and now that we have the Ice Claymore, it all comes down to this
final battle. All of the adventurers united against the most evil
monster in the world! When we get through their troops, you will take
the Ice Claymore.....
Artix von Krieger: ... and... BRING THAT DRAGON DOWN! ... we are counting on you.

*Huggles* Yea! Now that you are here we will win for sure! Twillies has
a gift from Yulgar, it's the Ice Claymore! It does good damage against
Fire Monsters, but it will do MASSSSSSSSSIVE damage to Akriloth!

You now possess the FROZEN CLAYMORE

(To Battle)
Akriloth, the insanly powerful fire dragon, remians perched upon his
volcanic home, commanding his army to block your path. Along with the
help of the other Adventurers, you must fight your way to him! The bar
to the left shoes how many of Akriloth's forces remain. There are
thousands of players on their way to join you in this battle!


Level 49 and Below

Fire Drakel Warrior

Fire Drakel Wizard

Fire Fiend

Fire Knight

Fire Mantik




Torch Foot
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:35 am

Part 2

Level 50 and Above


Draegan Avenger

Fire Demon

Fire Drakel Warrior

Fire Drakel Wizard

Fire Fiend

Fire Golem

Fire Knight

Fire Mantik

Fire Seed Spitter

Fire Warlord



Hell Hound




Torch Foot


Akriloth the Fire Dragon

Amazing! You have defeated the evil Fire Dragon Akriloth!
You did it... you really did it!

You: It is finally over...
I have saved these lands from the greatest monster of all time. I only
wish... I only wish that there was some cool theme music to mark this
incredible victory.
You: Like a... "Da Daaa Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
You: Or perhaps a... "Do Da Doooooo"
You: DadadadadaDAAAAAAA Dooo da dooooo! Dededededadada! DAAAAAA DAAAAAAA DOOOOOOOOOOOM!
You: ... or something.
The important thing is that we were victorious. History was made
here... today... on this very battle ground (and I have a really cool
sword now too!)
You: But now that Akriloth is gone ...
You: What is next?

Nifaria comes out from the volcano

Nifaria: Do you know you have just done, human!?
You: Whew... I was worried things were going to get boring here for a moment. Erm, *coughs* I mean... Who are you?
Nifaria: I am Nifaria, the Elemental Spirit of Fire! (Read my name tag next time.)
You: I have never seen an elemental spirit before.
Nifaria: That is because you are the first human to do so...
Nifaria: Thou hast slain Akriloth, the most powerful fire creature in this world... are you aware of the consequences of thy action?
*Obviously this will require some roleplaying* Mi'lady Spirit...
Akriloth was a dragon of evil. He was defeated fairly in battle to
protect the innocent.
Nifaria: That may be true, but slaying him has caused a great imblanace in elemental power.
Nifaria: Human, this may be difficult for you to understand... but this world is a battleground for the great elemental beings...
Nifaria: ... by slaying Akriloth you have put all fire beings in grave peril.
You: Are you trying to say by killing Akriloth, that I have endangered all fire beings in the world?
Nifaria: Yes
You: Then why did you not just say that in the first place?
Nifaria: Do not anger me human!
You: (This discussion is getting really heated) Nifaria, what can I do to reset balance?
Nifaria: In my hand is a fire dragon egg... it is about to hatch.
Nifaria: When it hatches in a few moments... it will be the only great fire dragon left in this world...
You: ... (Does this mean I get to kill two dragons in one DAY!?!?!?! OMG OMG OMG OMG!)
Nifaria: You will raise it...
You: RAISE IT!? You want me to raise a baby dragon?
Nifaria: Yes. You will raise Akriloth's only son. Take him with you on your adventures and raise him as you see fit.

Nifaria gives you the egg.

Nifaria: Akriloth's son will grow much faster than the other dragons you have seen...
Nifaria: Try not to let him eat you.
You: *Gulps* I will do my best to raise him to be a noble dragon.. a protector of humans...
Nifaria: *Chuckles* Thou art so going to be dragon food.
You: ...
Nifaria: Farewell...

Nifaria leaves.

You: ...
First I slay a dragon... then I get a lecture from some elemental
spirit... Now I need to raise a baby dragon? What else could happen

Mysterious Necromancer walks in

Mysterious Necromancer: Mwahahahahaha... *hrmph!?* Excuse me... what are you still doing here?
I guess that dialogue took a bit longer than I thought. Um... aren't
you the Mysterious Necromancer that created the Undead Dragon from the
dead Darkness Dragon?
Mysterious Necromancer: Yessss... You have not seen a dead Fire dragon laying around anywhere by chance have you?
You: Why yes... "laying all around" was a good way to put it. He exploded. *Wipes some goo off his foot*
Mysterious Necromancer: Seriously
You: Yes
Mysterious Necromancer: I am leaving.
You: ...
Mysterious Necromancer: Are you sure you exploded him? I mean... an undead super ultra magma dragon would really own in another undead war.
You: He definately exploded...
Mysterious Necromancer: DANGIT!
Mysterious Necromancer:
By the way, I just thought you would like to know that I have used evil
magic to create an indestructable force of mutant worm monsters which I
will unleash on the small defenseless town of battleon soon....
Mysterious Necromancer: Enjoy your victory while you can... DragonSlayer. *mumbles something about exploded dragons under his breath*

Mysterious Necromancer leaves

Evil army of Worm monsters? Elemental spirits engaged in an epic
battle? ... looks like things are getting interesting again... and I
liked the way he said "Dragon Slayer" (Now would be a good time to look
at your class)

You gain the class Dragon Slayer

You: It is time to start training this baby dragon...
You: This is weird... what is this "Dragon Armor" option under armors?

You gain Dragon Rider

You: Wow... the baby dragon hatched.
You: OMG!!! He is huge!!!!!!

The Dragon War Saga
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:35 am

Drakel War Time Scroll
you open the scroll you feel your head begin to spin. Suddenly, strange
lights appear before you and you are transported backwards through

The Drakel hid inside massive domed cities long ago to escape a great
destructive force. Now some Drakel have left their cities to search for
something that could help them stop the old enemy if it returns! A
Drakel war party activated a strange “clock” in Stonerule. We need to
find out just what it means…

Twilly: We tracked the wily Drakel back to their domed city! We need you to help fight and get to their leader!
Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
“Heal me please” or “Let me handle this.”

If healed
Twlly: There we goes! All healed up!
“Thank you”

Battle the army!


Level 49 and Below

Drakel Air Raider

Drakel Captain

Drakel Caster

Drakel Enforcer

Drakel Power Scout

Drakel Warrior

Drakel Water Mage

Drakelon Steam Dragon Prototype

Level 50 and Above

Drakel Air Raider

Drakel Captain

Drakel Caster

Drakel Destroyer
Drakel Enforcer

Drakel Power Armor

Drakel Power Scout

Drakel Swordmaster

Drakel Warrior

Drakel Water Mage

Drakelon Steam Dragon

Greater Warbeast

Lesser Warbeast


Level 39 and Below

Drakel Guards (Pack 2)

Level 40 and Above

Drakel Guards (Pack 2)


Level 39 and Below

Soralag Drakel/Dragon Hybrid (30)

Level 40-60

Soralag Drakel/Dragon Hybrid (60)

Level 61 and Above

Soralag Drakel/Dragon Hybrid (90)

Kragg: *huff huff* Thank the Creator! I managed to escape those meddling humans at last!
Kragg: Now I must regroup with my special Drakel War Council and figure out our next move!
Kragg: Gah!! It's one of the humans' ghastly pets!!

Truffle flies in.

Truffle: Mep! meeep!
Kragg: Please!! Spare me!

Valencia and Galanoth walk in.

Valencia: Truffle, come over here before this ugly guy's bad breath makes you faint!
Truffle: Mep? meeeeeeeeeee...!
Gahhh! I am trapped! I beg you, please spare my worthless existence!! I
promise to never again lay waste to one of your hairless-ape villages!
Kragg: Really, I do!
Galanoth: Suuurrre. I only believe you when you don't say anything, Kragg.
Valencia: You have some questions to answer!
Kragg: Okay, anything! Except for top-secret secrets.
I don't think so. Here's how this is going to work: we ask, you answer.
You don't answer, you get thrown into the Pit without that big
flamethrower on your arm.
Kragg: Um.... can I have a day to think about it?
Galanoth: I suppose so... you can spend it in the Pit.
Kragg: Nevermind. You were saying--?
Valencia: Question one: why did you raid Stonerule in the first place?
Kragg: My special Drakel War Council thought we might find a valuable clue to our past there, since Stonerule is so ancient.
Galanoth: You can't fool us... we know that your past is no history to your kind: it is the rest of us that you keep it hidden from!
Kragg: bah-- you are right. But it is for the better. Some things are better left shrouded in mystery.
Okay then, tell us why you had all those Azru Stones with you? And just
what is that giant clock-like structure that blew up out of the
Kragg: Our magiscientists discovered the Azru
Stones a few cycles ago. They have a mystical property that we don't
quite understand fully. But then--
Kragg: --Their magnetic
poles were found to point to Stonerule. Something there must have a
deep geologic link to the Stones. But we found nothing when we
ransacked the place.
Galanoth: Ah yes... that was very nice of you to do, Kragg.
There is no place for diplomacy when it comes to protecting our
species! My faction of Drakel society believes in doing whatever is
needed to preserve our future.
Valencia: Okay. So then what is that clock-like monolith that appeared out of the ground??
Kragg: We have no idea. My best guess is that the Azru Stones somehow caused it to appear.
Kragg: Our Drakel seers have said a "prophet" of some kind will appear in Stonerule, so there is more to come...
...perhaps something dangerous lies in wait. Either way, the best thing
for you to do is to keep watch on the Stonerule monolith.
Kragg: .........
Kragg: Can I leave now?
Valencia: I don't know. Galanoth, what do you think?
The Scene changes to the Pit.

Kragg: ........mommy?........

Commander Kragg was imprisoned, but the real effects of the war-crazed
cyberdrakel's actions are even more devastating than anyone could
imagine at the time.
For the Drakel unwittingly awoke the most terrifying monster ever to walk the world of Lore...
But that is another story...
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:36 am

Carnax War Time Scroll
you open the scroll you feel your head begin to spin. Suddenly, strange
lights appear before you and you are transported backwards through

Carnax was a powerful monster created by a sorcerer’s cult They lost
control of the beast and Carnax destroyed the island nation of Talados.
And vanished into the sea with it.

“Galanoth. head of the Dragonslayers, can absorb punishment from Carnax with his heavy armor.”
“Vampireslayer E has put off his vampire slaying to help battle Carnax”
“The water elf Aquella fights to protect her coastal home.
“Robina Hood snipes at the beast from a distance.”
“The paladin Artix Krieger fights Carnax’s evil with his holy might!”
“Warlic is one of Lore’s greatest wizards.”
“Captain Rhubarb has given us many supplies for battle!”

Twilly: Oh no!! That big ugly-wugly is stomping around everywhere.! We need your help now!!
Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
“Heal me please” or “Let me handle this.”

If healed
Twlly: There we goes! All healed up!
“Thank you”

From the treasure chest, guardians can pick up the Carnax Blade and you can pick up, up to 5 potions from the bag.

Guardians can also do little side events.

Shoot Carnax

Robina: Welcome to the Stonerule battlefield, where we are fighting the gigantic and powerful monster Carnax!
I have magically charged some arrows for you to shoot at Carnax from
afar! They should be strong enough to pierce his evil hide. Just click
on the targets when they light up.

You now get to shoot arrows at Carnax.

Robina: Great shooting! Those arrows definitely let Carnax know we mean business!!
If you hit more than 30 of your targets you will get a special reward!
If you hit less than 30, you will get a lesser reward.

If you hit more than 30:

Level 25 and Below

Treasure Chest

Level 26-50

Big Treasure Chest

Level 51+

Huge Treasure Chest

If you hit 30 or less:

Level 25 and Below

Small Treasure Chest

Level 26-50

Treasure Chest

Level 51 and Above

Big Treasure Chest

1 on 1

Carnax (Full)

When you click battle, you have the option to bring Artix, Galanoth, E or Aquella with you.

Now what parts of Carnax’s massive body do you want to attack?

Choose LOW to fight his arms and legs, or choose HIGH and ride on the
wizard Jackel Sano’s ice platforms and fight Carnax’s upper body.
“Battle HIGH!” or “Battle LOW”

Battle High


Level 49 and Below

Carnax (Head) (20)

Carnax (Head) (40)

Carnax (Left Shoulder) (20)

Carnax (Right Shoulder) (20)

Carnax (Tail) (20)

Carnax (Back) (20)

Level 50 and Above

Carnax (Head) (56) (4k HP)

Carnax (Left Shoulder) (56)

Carnax (Right Shoulder) (56)

Carnax (Tail) (56)

Carnax (Back) (56)

Carnax (Head) (40)

Carnax (Head) (56) (10k HP)

Battle Low


Level 49 and Below

Carnax (Right Arm) (20)

Carnax (Left Arm) (20)

Carnax (Left Leg) (20)

Carnax (Right Leg) (20)

Level 50 and Above

Carnax (Right Arm) (56)

Carnax (Left Arm) (56)

Carnax (Left Leg) (56)

Carnax (Right Leg) (56)


Level 49 and Below

Carnax (Head) (20)

Carnax (Head) (40)

Carnax (Left Shoulder) (20)

Carnax (Right Shoulder) (20)

Carnax (Tail) (20)

Carnax (Back) (20)

Level 50 and Above

Carnax (Head) (56) (4k HP)

Carnax (Left Shoulder) (56)

Carnax (Right Shoulder) (56)

Carnax (Tail) (56)

Carnax (Back) (56)

Carnax (Head) (40)

Carnax (Head) (56) (10k HP)


Level 29 and Below

Carnax (Head) (20)

Level 30-65

Carnax (Head) (Middle Version)

Level 66 and Above

Carnax (Head) (56) (5k HP)

“See Carnax fall”

Carnax collapses violently.

CARNAX: I've failed you, my Master...death has come, my nightmare ends.
CARNAX: I can rest, finally...rest...you can't reach me now.
CARNAX: ……..

Carnax’s eyes close and he turns to stone.

The Great Scourge of Carnax is now defeated , and the beasts massive
body has become entombed in a cocoon of rock. Stonerule can now be

A kind family of married villagers, unable to have
children of their own, have volunteered to take young Danail into their
home as their own.

Something tells you the story of Riona Shadowgale, the Prophet who helped save the world from Carnax is far from over…
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:36 am

Mu-Glen's Call For Help

Mu Glen: It's about time you got here. They told me they'd send someone as soon as possible, not two hours after I request it.
Mu Glen: Lucky for you, I'm a rich moglin in need of assistance, and if you help me, I will pay you well.

Mu Glen: Are you paying attention to me? I don't have the time to watch you drift into la-la land.

Mu Glen: Weren't you taught proper manners as a child? When
speaking to a lady, try looking at who you're talking to! Must I teach
you these simple things?

Mu Glen: Look at that. In one ear, and out the other. Do you
have any idea who I am at all? I'm an heiress for an entertainment
company in Flore Eida!

Mu Glen: Are you an imbecile? Why did they send YOU to help ME? I doubt you are up to the task I was to present you with...

Mu Glen: My patience is running thin with you. PAY ATTENTION! Ladies should not have to raise their voices!

You: Alright... I guess I better chase after Mu Glen and... whatever that blue thing was...

You: The tracks lead into these dark and conveniently spooky woods... I don't know if I can find Mu Glen in this darkness...

Moglin Fire Spirit

Moglin Freak (25)

Moglin Fiend (20)

Why is it that whenever I go into some spooky woods, mean creatures pop
up? Can't I meet deer or something? Oh well... the tracks lead this

Skull Swarm (30)

You: Oh. Great. Now there's a nice, spooky cave to walk into!
I'm sure it will have some evil dwarves or a dragon or something... or
maybe... worse...

You: Hello? Anyone home? This is starting to seem like a wild goose chase...

Mu Glen: Have you ever heard of knocking? I can't redecorate with pounding at the front door...

You: Wait, I thought you were kidnapped...not making an interior designer house call.

Zorbak: Hey, Back up off my woman!
You: Wait, so YOU kidnapped Mu Glen? Why? For a ransom?
Mu Glen: No! Of course not, Zorbie would never do that! He's so sweet, and kind hearted...

You: Oh....all right. I understand what's going on now. But I came all this way ...for nothing?

Mu Glen: Zorbie just wanted to whisk me off to a weekend getaway in this nice new dungeon he found for me.

Zorbak: *snuggles*

Mu Glen: oooh, my little ebil hunk! Ahem, now where was I? Oh
yes....I need your help to exterminate some pests from this otherwise
perfect place.
Mu Glen: Do you think you can do it?

Yes, I can!

Mu Glen: Yaayyy! Isn't this Adventurer brave, Zorbie??

Zorbak: .....possibly. Yes, "brave" is what I'd call it.

You: So what do I have to do?

Mu Glen: Why it's simple! Find the critter that is infesting my
beautiful new home, and wipe him out! It's in that back room, but there
are no lights, so your vision will be limited. Good luck!

Use your mouse to find a small green slime moving around the room and then click on it

You: Run!! It's right behind me!!

Zorbak: What is?? You mean-- IT IS??? Run, Mu-Glen! Let's get out of here before we are eaten alive, my dear honeysuckle!!
Mu Glen: Whatever you say, my Love!

Level 49 and Below
Little Nasty

Level 50 and Above
Green Nasty

Mu Glen: How wonderful! You actually exterminated that terrible pest!
Zorbak: Hrmf.... Yes, how wonderful.

Mu Glen: For your efforts, here is a large reward!!

Level 24 and Below
Big Treasure Chest

Level 25-49
Huge Treasure Chest

Level 50 and Above
Treasure Horde

You: Thanks!
Mu Glen: You're welcome! I bid you farewell and safe journey.
Zorbak: I bid you.... buh-bye.
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:37 am


Tales have spread far and
wide of the Mist Maiden. In the midst of the great swamp to the
south there are herbs and flowers of such fantastic medicinal and
magical qualities that untold numbers of adventurers have sought.
Nearly half of all who go there do not return. Many of those who
do come back tell of a creature at once beautiful and terrifying
beyond imagination....

You: This swamp isn't quite
as foreboding as the cursed forest of Darkovia, but there is a
chill in the air despite the heat.
You: Since I am
here, I have two choices: Search for the magical herbs and
flowers everyone talks about, or look for the mysterious Mist

Look for the Magical

You: Okay! Time to hunt for highly
prized herbs and flowers. I need to search this swamp
Look closely for any
plants that seem out of the ordinary. But beware, there are
deadly creatures in this swamp as well...


Level 25 and Below
Water Mage




Level 26-49

Knight (20)



Frog (20)

Level 50 and Above






BURP (70)



When you
find the plant
You: I found....something! It
looks strange and smells funny, anyway.

You enter a shop
where you can purchase the Larsham

You: Now, do I want to stay here and
search for the Mysterious Maiden, or leave?

for the Mysterious Maiden

You: They say
only the bravest of the brave or the most foolish of fools
actually goes looking for the Mist Maiden.
You: Well,
if the outcome is good, I'm definitely the bravest of the brave.
Now, where to go first?
You can choose to go Left or Right

Level 25 and Below
Water Mage




Level 26-49

Knight (20)



Frog (20)

Level 50 and Above





BURP (70)



Boog and Lucretia Encounter
Ooh!! Hallo there. I didn't expect to find anyone else out here.
I'm just escorting Miss Lucretia on a search for the rare Larsham
Lucretia: Mr. Boog has been quite the
gentleman. He knows these swamps and is also very, very
protective of me.
Boog: ehehehehehe... aw shucks.
Well, uhhh, we should be on our way. We'll find one of those
flowers soon, then we'll be off back to Granemor!!!


Snootch: pffft!! What do u think u r
doing here?? This SWAMP is MY SWAMP. I ownz it fair and square!

You: What makes you think you own Grogh Swamp? Last I
heard, it was free territory.
Snootch: pft!!!!! My
BEAUTIFUL OBLIVION mace says I ownz it!!!!!! U want to challenge
me, huh?? I will school u utterly.
You: That is only a
miniature mace. You can't stop me with that. And like I said,
this is open territory, I'm here to find the Mist Maiden.

Snootch: Hmmmm.... what a coincidence. So am I. Let's
team up together and find her together! Fear not, I will protect
You: Hold on. Just a second ago you wanted to fight
Snootch: That was before I realized u would need
my protection. .....................

Take Snootch With
Snootch: Good choice!!! U Will not be
disappointed in my ability to defend you from terrible

Leave Snootch Behind
Snootch: FINE!
I will leave u to rot in this steaming swamp! One day u will hear
the name Snootch and you will tremble in awe and--
Get lost, Snootch!
Snootch: --Okay.

Maiden Encounter

You: Wow!! It's you--the Mist
Savaya: Ahhhh, the name is so quaint. It has
been with me for so many years that I cannot imagine parting with
it. My true name is Savaya. You may call me by either.
I have heard you are dangerous, and have come to find out for
Savaya: And what do you believe now? Am I
You: I don't know. Tell me what
someone such as yourself is doing out in this swamp full of
monsters and mud. And dressed so finely, at that.
Can a secret not be kept? Or is that beyond reason? I pity the
world, full of so many who can leave no stone unturned; who poke
and prod all they survey until nothing is left of dreams.
Well, where would we

if it wasn't for those people? The explorers and mages and
Savaya: And you are one of those
people, I fear. I must apologize, but I must leave. Many things
to attend to. Perhaps one day we will meet again.....
Okay. Be careful out here!
Savaya: And you be careful
as well.
You: Whaaaaaa?!?!

49 and Below

Maiden (32)

Level 50 and Above
Maiden (72)

You: Not fair, not fair at all. She
said she was leaving!!

enter a shop where you can purchase the Leech

Now, do I want to stay here and search for magical plants, or
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 5:37 am

This will be the half of the guide.


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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 6:01 am

you will make more?
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 9:20 am


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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 9:20 pm

Quest Guides [UPDATED] Hybee
Hybee Hive Raid

Stage One: Larva

Hybee Larva

Young Hybee

Stage Two: Soldiers

Hybee Soldier

Elite Hybee Soldier

Stage Three: Queen

Hybee Queen

Now you enter a shop where you can buy the Hybee Spear.

Buzkyl: Now we won't have to worry about THAT Hive again... but there might be others... hmm... maybe I should get outta here!
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 9:21 pm

Quest Guides [UPDATED] Undeadhorde
Undead Horde - Scouting Mission

Artix: Thank you for coming! We have already been attacked once
by a small group of undead, but we need to get a closer look at their
forces. Will you join our scouting party?

Sorry, I cannot.
Artix: I understand! When you get back to town be sure to tell
everyone we will need reinforcements soon! I have a feeling this Undead
Horde is quite strong...
Artix: Excellent! I am honored to fight by your side. Now, there
seem to be two large groups on the moved. Should we track the one to
the south, or the one to the east?

Artix joins you.

To the east!

Level 25 and Below
Blecch (1)
Evil Eye

Level 26-49
Blecch (28)
Evil Eye
The Seeker (30)

Level 50 and Above
Evil Eye
Ghost (53)
The Horror
The Seeker (52)

Artix: Looks like we ran around in circles! We'd better try another route!

To the south!


Artix: Ouch! That hurt. We need to be more careful-- this place is dangerous. Now let's follow another trail.

To the north!

Level 25 and Below
Giant Spider
Sickly Zombie
Undead Archer
Undead Knight
Undead Soldier

Level 26-49
Giant Spider
Lesser Zombie
Sickly Zombie
Undead Archer
Undead Knight
Undead Mage (14)
Undead Soldier
Undead Troll
Undead Wounded

Level 50 and Above
Undead Horse
Undead Mage (45)
Undead Skull Knight
Undead Skuller
Undead Warlord

Artix: We made it through that ambush! Now we nerf to go back
and inform our army of the enemy's location! It looks like we're off to
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 9:22 pm

Undead Terror

Artix: Hail guardian! I'm glad you've volunteered for this mission.
Artix: There is a creature in these woods call an Undead Terror, but few have seen it... and those who have rarely escaped alive.
Artix: If you can find one of these Terrors, our battlefield smiths will be able to create a powerful item from it!
Artix: This item will prove valuable in our neverending battle with the undead. Including vampires, should you meet any!
Artix: So do you think you can handle it??

QUEST! (Find an Undead Terror!)

Artix: Excellent! There's one catch... if you return to town or lose a battle you will need to start over.

Understood I am ready

Artix: Good luck on your hunt! You must defeat 1 Undead Terror so we can make your special item.

QUEST! (Find an Undead Terror!)

Level 25 and Below
Giant Spider
Lesser Zombie
Undead Knight
Undead Mage (14)
Undead Soldier
Undead Terror
Undead Troll
Undead Wounded

Level 26-49
Giant Spider
Lesser Zombie
Undead Knight
Undead Mage (14)
Undead Moglin Knight
Undead Soldier
Undead Terror
Undead Troll
Undead Wounded

Level 50+
Lesser Droag
Pile o' Bones (Undead)
Undead Giant
Undead Mage (45)
Undead Moglin Demon
Undead Skull Knight
Undead Skuller
Undead Terror
Zombie Dragon (38)

You can take up to 5 potions from the potion bag.

Once an Undead Terror is beaten in battle, a shop would open up where you could purchase Undead Terror.
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 9:24 pm

Yulgar Shower

[This Quest Is Extremely Short]

Shower Monster
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 9:24 pm

Quest Guides [UPDATED] Boon

Before completing Boon's Quest once
Sailor Boon: I see you found your way to my little secluded
corner of the beach. Not that I mind... If I seem moody it's just
because I asked for a nonalcoholic drink. Turns out it tastes just as
funny as it looks. Say, would you be interested in tracking down a
buried treasure?

Without StunFlower guest.
Sailor Boon: That's great! You can go do the leg work while I
lounge here and enjoy myself. Okay first you'll need to *whispers*
bring me a potted plant... a flower to be more precise. Now now, don't
ask questions!

With StunFlower guest.
Sailor Boon: Ah yes, thanks a million! Now, carefully-- and I
mean carefully, you don't want to hurt that poor innocent little
flower-- remove that map I "planted" in the pot. That map will show you
the way! Good luck partner!

After completing Boon's Quest at least once
Sailor Boon: Hello again! I see you went out and found that
buried treasure. I was wondering if you'd do me the honor of splitting
that loot with me, since I helped you. How much can you give?
You can give 0, 100, 1000 or 2000 Gold to Boon

If you give 0 Gold.
Sailor Boon: Aw, now come on! That wasn't very nice. Why, if I
wasn't busy relaxing here, I might just... uhh... go for a swim. Wait,
was I mad at someone for some reason? Oh, well, nevermind.

If you give, 100, 1000 or 2000 Gold
Sailor Boon: Thanks a bunch! That was a nice honest thing you did there. Wait a second while I count this (not that I don't trust you).
Sailor Boon: I see you found your way to my little secluded
corner of the beach. Not that I mind... If I seem moody it's just
because I asked for a nonalcoholic drink. Turns out it tastes just as
funny as it looks. Say, would you be interested in tracking down a
buried treasure?

Without StunFlower guest.
Sailor Boon: That's great! You can go do the leg work while I
lounge here and enjoy myself. Okay first you'll need to *whispers*
bring me a potted plant... a flower to be more precise. Now now, don't
ask questions!

With StunFlower guest.
Sailor Boon: Ah yes, thanks a million! Now, carefully-- and I
mean carefully, you don't want to hurt that poor innocent little
flower-- remove that map I "planted" in the pot. That map will show you
the way! Good luck partner!

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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 9:25 pm

The Return of Stragath!

The sky darkens with an approaching storm as you find Zorbak waiting for you in Greenguard Forest...

You: Zorbak! This had better not be another one of your pranks!

Zorbak: Mehehehe! Hardly! Though I am flattered, .

You: Then what is it? And don't play any games with me.

Zorbak: Well in that case, let me be totally honest. I AM planning to use you, but it's for the good of everyone-- not just me.

Zorbak: Stragath, the Undead Demon, is trying to get back to Lore from his demonic plane of existence.

Zorbak: If he crosses over, he'll bring hordes of demons with
him. The world will drown in EVIL! And I, the greatest necromancer of
all, will be sadly left with nothing to do.

Zorbak: Stragath has already begun opening a portal to our
world. I, uh, found it through much diligent searching. It's just on
the next screen actually.

Zorbak: Help me and help the whole world, hero! I have also
heard that those who defeat Stragath in his own realm can find several
ultimate weapons as their reward!

Zorbak: So even if you do not want to do this for MY
selfishness, do it for your OWN. Now, whaddaya say? Will you go take on
a realm of demons for me??

You: I didn't come this far to sight-see! I WANT TO FIGHT SOME DEMONS!!


Zorbak: Well, there it is. The portal will be open enough to allow Stragath and his hordes to come through before too long.

You: What are you waiting for? Go in!

Zorbak: WHAT?!

You: I'm not stupid. In fact, I'm pretty smart. So YOU are going to walk through there first.

Zorbak: *#*^$(@&*

You walk through

You: Ugh! It's HOT here! So this is Stragath's demonic plane... What is it called?

Zorbak: Welcome, brave one, to HECK! That's the phonetic pronunciation. It may be spelled differently.

Zorbak: Ooh, look! Lots of demons and cursed monsters are headed
this way. Stragath is pushing them all toward the portal! How cute!
Ahem... I'm leaving now. Have fun!

You: Wait-- did you say--
You: --Cursed monsters??

Stragath: Hurry into the portal, demon hordes, before it vanishes as mysteriously as it appeared! Oh-- and-- DESTROY THE FLESHLING!

Level 89 and Below
CurZard (60)

Level 90 and Above
CurZard (80)

Level 79 and Below
Fire Demon

Level 80-99

Level 100 and Above

Grakma (90)

3 flying health potions appears. The non-glowing one contains a full heal while the other two explode doing 50 damage to you.

Level 89 and Below
Archdemon (70)

Level 90 and Above
Archdemon (85)

Level 79 and Below

Level 80-89
Fiendish Phogh

Level 90-99
Dark Djinni (87)

Level 100 and Above
Pzycho Fiend

3 flying health potions appears. The non-glowing one contains a full heal while the other two explode doing 50 damage to you.

Level 79 and Below
Veteran Wun-Dead

Level 80-89
Fatalis (undead)

Level 90-99
Ebil Cupid (100)

Level 100 and Above

Level 79 and Below
Undead Horse

Level 80-89
Skull Ape (Undead)

Level 90-99
Undead Braken (100)

Level 100 and Above
Klubber, the Undead Dude

3 flying health potions appears. The non-glowing one contains a full heal while the other two explode doing 50 damage to you.

Level 79 and Below
Stragath (65)

Level 80 and Above
Stragath (90)

Level 79 and Below
Stragath's Head (80)

Level 80 and Above
Stragath's Head (120)

You see Zorbak's Staff lying on the ground.

You: What in the Heck is THAT?? It looks like-- like-- Grrr.

You can purchase Tongue of Stragath, Limbus Blade, Vampiric Axe and Soul Leech.

You: Mmmm, it's so nice and cool here!

Zorbak: So, did you do it?? Did you stop him??

You: I did! You should go close that portal though, before any other demons get the idea to come through.

You: And next time you get the bright idea to open up a portal to a demon realm-- DON'T

Zorbak: WHA--?? H-how did YOU know that I did it??

You: I found a little something of yours, blue-ears.

You throw Zorbak's staff at him

Zorbak: Oh-- yeah. That. I'll close that portal up right away.... *cringe*
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 9:28 pm

Bugs! [Part 1]

You have heard rumors of odd monster activity along the shore somewhat south of Lolosia...

You: Loremaster Falerin! Galrick!
Falerin: I am afraid this vacation spot has not been much of a respite...
Galrick: It was fine until the bugs started swarming the place!
Falerin: This migration is far from typical. It is almost as they are fleeing something farther inland
You: Vacation? Swarming?
Galrick: What could they be fleeing?
Falerin: I have no idea, but I am sure (insert your name here) will be glad to help you find out.
You: Sure! What? Wait--
Galrick: Cool! Thanks, (insert your name here)!
Falerin: I will investigate more and get back to you.

Falerin dissappears

You: That vanishing act is sort of annoying.
Galrick: Eventually you get used to it. About the twifth time he drops you in Third City.
You: Third City?
Galrick: And that's better than Seattle Prime.
You: ???
Galrick: Wait-- do you hear that?? I hear buzzing.... grrr....

  • Battle with Galrick
  • Battle by yourself

    Level 19 and Below
    Fire Mantik
    Giant Spider
    Glow Worm
    Gnat (5)
    Hybee Larva
    Sectid (11)
    Soldier Wasps
    Wasp Swarm

    Level 20-39
    Fire Ants (20)
    Fire Mantik
    Giant Leech (32)
    Giant Spider
    Glow Worm
    Gnat (5)
    Hybee Larva
    Sectid (11)
    Soldier Wasps
    Young Hybee

    Level 40-69
    Elite Hybee Soldier
    Fire Ants (20)
    Giant Leech (32)
    Gnat (40)
    Hybee Larva
    Hybee Soldier
    Sectid (34)
    Soldier Wasps
    Young Hybee
  • Back to top Go down

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    PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 9:30 pm

    Bugs Part 2

    Galrick: These critters are really bugging me. I wish I was in Manhattan right now...
    You: What the huh?? Manhattan? Third City? Seattle Prime?? What ARE these places?
    Galrick: Manhattan is where I got this shirt. The Abode was nice too, at least while it was still on Caelestia.
    You: And now more new places? The Abode... on Caelestia?
    Galrick: Falerin's vacation home. The Seekers have taken it over now. Of course, you know all about that.
    You: Oh-- oh yeah, of COURSE I do!
    Galrick: Naturally
    You: Shoeldn't we be investigating the source of all these bugs?
    Galrick: Yes indeed! Let's head inland a bit.

    Level 19 and Below
    Fire Mantik
    Giant Spider
    Glow Worm
    Gnat (5)
    Hybee Larva
    Sectid (11)
    Soldier Wasps
    Wasp Swarm

    Level 20-39
    Fire Ants (20)
    Fire Mantik
    Giant Leech (32)
    Giant Spider
    Glow Worm
    Gnat (5)
    Hybee Larva
    Sectid (11)
    Soldier Wasps
    Young Hybee

    Level 40-69
    Elite Hybee Soldier
    Fire Ants (20)
    Giant Leech (32)
    Gnat (40)
    Hybee Larva
    Hybee Soldier
    Sectid (34)
    Soldier Wasps
    Young Hybee

    Level 70-89
    Deadly Wind Wasps
    Elite Hybee Soldier
    Fire Ants (20)
    Fire Ants (70)
    Giant Leech (72)
    Gnat (40)
    Gnat (75)
    Hybee Soldier
    Queen Hybee
    Sectid (68)
    Young Hybee

    Level 90 and Above
    Deadly Wind Wasps
    Elite Hybee Soldier
    Fire Ants (20)
    Fire Ants (70)
    Giant Leech (72)
    Gnat (75)
    Hybee Soldier
    Queen Hybee
    Young Hybee

    You: What is that awful smell??
    Galrick: Hmm.... I have only smelled something like it two other times in my whole life.
    You: When?
    Galrick: When the portal was opened near Sentar, a city in Neld, my homeland. An army of undead appeared there.
    Galrick: The other time was in Immertot Forest.
    You: Where is that?

    Falerin appears

    Falerin: Immertot Forest is on Caelestia, my own home. It is a forest found within the Planes of Instability.
    You: Planes of Instability?
    Falerin: A pocket of Limbo trapped on the prime. The void of pre-creation manifest in the world. A rater chaotic place.
    Falerin: Immertot Forest is most peculiar. Everything is undead there. Even the trees and microbes are undead.
    Galrick: Immertot smelled a lot like this place. Odd decay, peat, and grave soil.
    You: That CANNOT be a good sign...
    Falerin: I believe you shall find the cause of the insects' unrest nearby!
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    PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 9:30 pm

    Bugs Last Part

    Falerin dissappears

    You: He always leaves before a fight....
    Galrick: Fighting isn't very interresting to him.

    Level 19 and Below
    Fire Mantik
    Giant Spider
    Glow Worm
    Gnat (5)
    Hybee Larva
    Sectid (11)
    Soldier Wasps
    Wasp Swarm

    Level 20-39
    Fire Ants (20)
    Fire Mantik
    Giant Leech (32)
    Giant Spider
    Glow Worm
    Gnat (5)
    Hybee Larva
    Sectid (11)
    Soldier Wasps
    Young Hybee

    Level 40-69
    Elite Hybee Soldier
    Fire Ants (20)
    Giant Leech (32)
    Gnat (40)
    Hybee Larva
    Hybee Soldier
    Sectid (34)
    Soldier Wasps
    Young Hybee

    Level 70-89
    Deadly Wind Wasps
    Elite Hybee Soldier
    Fire Ants (20)
    Fire Ants (70)
    Giant Leech (72)
    Gnat (40)
    Gnat (75)
    Hybee Soldier
    Queen Hybee
    Sectid (68)
    Young Hybee

    Level 90 and Above
    Deadly Wind Wasps
    Elite Hybee Soldier
    Fire Ants (20)
    Fire Ants (70)
    Giant Leech (72)
    Gnat (75)
    Hybee Soldier
    Queen Hybee
    Young Hybee

    You: Kabroz!! What are you doing here?
    Kabroz: I am working on a GREAT experiment! I shall produce a form of undead mosquito, or perhaps an undead gnat!
    You: You want to control a swarm of undead gnats?!
    Kabroz: GNATurally!!
    You: And why would you want an undead mosquito?
    Kabroz: Your simple brain cannot begin to grasp the intricacies of true genius. You see, gnats and mosquitoes are everywhere!
    Kabroz: Unleash a swarm of them carrying a plague of undeath and turn a small village into an undead army in mere minutes!
    Galrick: Ahhhh... very effecient.
    You: I was thinking more along the lines of how EVIL.
    I cannot allow you to stop me. This plan is TOO PERFECT. So I guess I
    will have my undead minions exterminate you as the pests you are!!
    Galrick: Do your worst. My friend and I are going to open up a big ol' can of RAID on you...

    1 BATTLE
    Level 29 and Below
    Bone Knight

    Level 30 and Above
    Death Knight (Scaled)

    Kabroz: Loremaster!
    Falerin: I might have known you had something to do with this matter, Kabroz.
    Kabroz: What are YOU doing here??
    Falerin: I was trying to get some rest with my student, Galrick.
    Kabroz: He's your student? So these are the ones helping hold off the Devourer?
    Falerin: That's correct, putrescent green one.
    Kabroz: Well then, I guess I shall have to move my experiments elsewhere...
    Wait-- just like that? I thought you were EVIL, willing to go to any
    means to get what you want, not EBIL, like your brother Zorbak...
    It may be that my brother is the ebil one, but I am not stupid. If the
    world is uncreated by the Devourer... Whomever will I experiment on??
    You: That's a good point.
    So for once I wish you good luck in your efforts, (insert your name
    here). Though the next time we meet you will not be so fortunate.
    Falerin: Oh Kabroz, before you leave, I have not forgotten the debts you owe me.
    Kabroz: Oh, uhhh... I didn't thnk you would.
    Falerin: Very well, then. Just so we understand each other.
    Kabroz: Perfectly. Hehe.
    Falerin: I shall see you soon, then. Send my regards to your brother.
    So now that our bug problem is taken care of, maybe you two could tell
    me about all these strange other places you have seen. I'd love to hear
    Falerin: Oh my... Galrick, in all of this activity it seems we are running late for an-- appointment. We must be off!

    Falerin and Galrick dissappear

    You: Well, goodbye to you, too. Hmf...

    You can now purchase Exterminator from the chest.
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    PostSubject: Re: Quest Guides [UPDATED]   Quest Guides [UPDATED] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 9:32 pm

    Safiria's Plea!

    Someone summoned you to Krovesport, but you don’t know who. Could it be Valencia? Or Robina the Hood?

    You: Safiria! Queen of the Vampires! What are you doing here??

    Safiria: My dear , I would have to say that the most important question to ask is: What do I want with YOU?

    You: Yes, that would be important.

    Safiria: There is a dojo just outside of Krovesport that rightfully belongs to… a charitable children’s foundation.

    Safiria: It has been taken over by a bunch of bandits, however.

    You: So-- you want me to scare the bandits away? I don’t understand how this helps YOU, though.

    Safiria: I-- really like children. I hate to see them sad. So, will you help me?

    You: Of course! Just point the way!

    You: It seems pretty peaceful outside of Krovesport. Though I just know I’ll run into SOME kind of monster soon enough!

    1 BATTLE
    ScaleZard (Scaled)

    You: Knew it. I should keep moving, before something else totally random happens.

    A sheep walks in.

    You: What a nice little sheep.
    You: Hi there, little guy!

    The screen zooms in on the sheep and its eyes flash red.

    You: Oh dear. And here I am without any sheep-treats.

    1 BATTLE
    Sheepyre (Scaled)

    You: Okay, NOW to get inside that dojo and beat those bandits senseless!

    Safiria appears

    You: YOU again.

    Safiria: Before you enter, I have a special transformation spell to cast upon you, that I think may be very useful.

    You: Ooooh… how about a giant vampire troll? Or a vampire, dragon, gogg hybrid??

    Safiria: …….Good luck.

    All your weapons are replaced by Cat-ana, all armors are replaced by Ninjacket, all spells are replaced by Lick Wounds and Cat-nap, all pets, guests, and shields are removed.

    You: This is really weird. I really would like to know WHY
    Safiria thought this form would be beneficial to me here. Maybe the
    bandits are allergic to cats.

    ???: Hey-- what is THAT??

    ???: I’m not quite sure. Oh wait.

    Both ???: CAT!

    ???: EVERYONE! QUICK! Make a break for it! But YOU guys-- you stay behind so we can get away!

    ???: But--

    ???: STAY!

    You: Hehehe… time to clean the litter box. Wait… what did I just say??

    1 BATTLE
    Werewolf Warrior (50) (Scaled)

    1 BATTLE
    Alpha Werewolf (60) (Scaled)

    1 BATTLE
    Ad-Were (Scaled)

    1 BATTLE
    Spy-Were (Scaled)

    You change back to normal

    Safiria: Thank you for taking care of my little canine problem.

    You: I would have to say that you have BIG canines, being a vampire an all. Hehe. Ahem.

    Safiria: Now I can assume control of this dojo and finally begin enrollment for the Young KaratePyres Club!
    You: That sounds… interesting. So, do I get a reward for helping you?

    Safiria: A-- reward? What exactly do you mean?

    You: Something that you get for doing something for someone else. Like a gift or a prize.

    Safiria: Hmm. I have never given such a thing to any of my minions. Is this ‘reward’ something you are accustomed to?

    You: Oh yes. I get rewards for almost every quest or war I fight in!

    Safiria: Well then, perhaps I should change my ways.


    You: Hey! What’s going on here??

    Safiria: Why, this is your reward! You may choose to run away
    now, or fight a neverending stream of my minions, in the form of the
    Ninjat of course.

    1 BATTLE
    Vamp (10) (Scaled)

    1 BATTLE
    Vampire Warrior (20) (Scaled)

    1 BATTLE
    Vampire Lord (30) (Scaled)

    1 BATTLE
    Elder Vampire (40) (Scaled)

    1 BATTLE
    Vampire Warrior (50) (Scaled)

    1 BATTLE
    Vampire Lord (60) (Scaled)

    1 BATTLE
    Elder Vampire (60) (Scaled)

    1 BATTLE
    Vampire Lord (60) (Scaled)

    1 BATTLE
    Elder Vampire (80) (Scaled)

    1 BATTLE
    Syphon Vamp (Scaled)

    1 BATTLE
    Vampire Fighter's Gold (Scaled)

    You: Hmm... What could I do with a dojo of my very own??

    If you die during this quest

    DEATH:Ooohh, such a CUTE widdle kitty-witty, aren't you? I can't
    let you stay here, though-- someone is bound to miss you at home. Go on
    back home, kitty- witty... bye bye...

    You start back over at the defeat of the werewolves.
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