Check back again for more infomation as we build it. Have any ideas for combining items that are currently in the game? Let us know on the forums! (Actually, you guys are going to have a lot of ideas.... can someone maintaina list? Be sure to make things level specific since certain items are found in specific level areas)
Well lets think up some ideas!
Here is mine:
1. 20 moonglow + (any weapon)= +5 average damage + special attack which is called haunting and it does 10% damage over two turns.
2. 20 pouches of sparkly sand + Doom weapon + Xans revenge + Holy baton = Sparkly Holy weapon of Revenge!
3. High Hallow'd edge + Deap blue something + The Warlords scepter = The Deap Warlords Edge!
Har, Dragonlord! Your thread has been tagged to serve as the singular suggestion thread for forging/combination suggestions, as per the Design Notes! Let all suggestions go here, and all the discussion of the DNs remain in that thread. Thanks! - RB