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 Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules

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Number of posts : 587
Age : 49
Location : Bahrain
Registration date : 2007-11-03

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PostSubject: Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules   Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Icon_minitimeSun Nov 18, 2007 9:11 am

DragonFable Suggestions: Forum Rules

General Rules and Regulations

The following are some general guidelines to follow when posting in the AE Forums as a whole. They are the primary board rules, and it's expected that you acknowledge and agree to follow these rules. Specific Board Rules can be found below.

1) Universal Rules Apply.
The Universal Forum Rules apply to this board as well as every other board within the forum, check them out first! Ignorance of the Universal Rules is not an acceptable excuse.

2) Flaming/Harassment/Trolling is Unacceptable.
Any form of flaming or harassing other users is downright unacceptable and will result in a Warning minimum for the first offense, with harsher penalties for repeat offenses or at the discretion of the AKs and moderators. Trolling (repeatedly attacking the integrity of another forum user) will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This is a community, and attacks on its members will not be allowed in any form.

3) Do not Beg for Upgrades.
All members of the forums are to be aware that begging for DAs/DCs will result in severe penalties. It is, in fact, a banable offense on these forums. If you see such an offense, report it to the appropriate authorities. DO NOT POST IN IT! Posting in such threads or flaming anyone who begs for payments will result in at the very least a Warning, if not harsher penalties. Just don't do it.

4) Forum Staff have the Final Say.
The forum staff are in charge of maintaining the boards and enforcing the rules. What they say goes, period. If you have a disagreement with an AK or mod, you are welcome to take it up with them in private politely and respectfully. Public attacks against a forum staff will result in severe punishments being dealt out. Remember, access to this forum is a privilege and not a right.

DF Suggestions Official Disclaimer/Copyright Restrictions Information

Submitting ideas does not in any way mean your art, ideas, etc. will be used or included in any way. Any ideas submitted to Artix Entertainment, LLC (AE) are free to be used by AE as desired. Any ideas, art, works, or suggestions submitted to Artix Entertainment, LLC (AE), or a member of, become property of Artix Entertainment, LLC (AE). Do not steal the ideas posted here, and give credit if using any material knowingly taken from someone else's ideas. Do not suggest anything taken from an outside source, such as television media, movies, books, or the like. While a parody is acceptable, copyrighted ideas cannot be used word for word as they are in outside sources.

Generic ideas are not copyrighted and are not considered stolen material whether it has been seen in other suggestion threads or in a media resource. In some cases, an idea is already planned for use by Artix Entertainment, and although you are welcome to post your own example of these ideas, be aware that your thread may only be used for inspiration toward an idea already in progress or disregarded in entirety.

Note: DragonFable is still very much in the development stage. Even if there is a suggestions thread for something, that doesn't guarantee the feature will be in-game. (IE: Spells as they exist in AQ may not exist in DF, but there is a thread for them anyways... also armors.)

DF Suggestions Board Rules

1) Only one thread is permitted per forum account.
Each user is permitted to create one suggestions thread only, which must contain all of their suggestions. This includes threads made recently as well as threads months old. Failure to follow this rule may result in all of your threads being deleted, so make sure to maintain only ONE thread. Also, attempts to dodge this rule by posting your suggestions in other threads will result in your thread(s) deleted as well as your posts, and may result in other penalties as well.

2) Read and know the Frequently Suggested Ideas thread.
Many ideas are suggested so very often that they are listed among the FSI sticky for the sake of clarification. The FSI sticky contains many ideas which are impractical, impossible, or simply won't happen, as well as other *good* ideas which may eventually be worked on, given time. We ask that you do not suggest any of the ideas contained in the FSI sticky. Failure to acknowledge this will result in deletion of your thread.

3) Please keep your threads neat and orderly!
Good ideas will be looked into and may be added into the game. However, using flashy titles such as "look now!", "200+ hits!", and "AK/Staff Posted!", as well as threads which are filled with caps and extraneous characters, are less likely to be looked at as potential ideas. Please keep thread titles clean of those sorts of things. Also, if you notice your thread overtaken by spam or flaming, please contact a DF AK to have it cleaned out. Do NOT take matters into your own hands. Mini-modding is just as bad as the offending post(s).

4) Suggestions should be thorough and well thought-out!
Many ideas are good ones, but without details, it will be very hard for people to understand exactly what you want. We ask that you try to make your suggestions as detailed as possible (more than three sentences, subject to board staff discretion). Any ideas found to be lacking severely in detail will be deleted with a request to provide more background. In addition, ideas which are somewhat outrageous (weapons that deal way more damage than the best weapons in the game, etc) will be deleted. Please keep your ideas tame and reasonable.

5) Advertisement is not permitted.
Your suggestions may be well and good, but it is not permitted for you to actively advertise them in any form, be it posting in other people's threads to link to your thread or having overly obnoxious links in your sig (i.e., "Look at my suggestions please!" type sigs). Such posts will be treated as hijacking another user's thread and may cause your own thread to be deleted, and any sigs found to be overly advertising will be removed.

6) Use the Balance Suggestions thread for all balance-related issues.
There is a stickied thread for discussion of balance suggestions and ideas, located here. Please keep all such topics confined to that thread. Note that any posts which lack specific evidence/backing or numerical proofs are subject to deletion.

7) Clan/club-like activities are not permitted in any form.
There is a board for Clans and Clubs here, where any such activities belong. If a suggestions thread is deemed to be acting much like a clan or club (ie, if it has a list of supporters, if the thread contains signatures to actively advertise your suggestions, etc) it will be deleted. Also note that this applies to "petition" suggestions, which carry lists of supporters. The key difference between threads which merely list supporters and threads which are petitioning is that petitions are not permitted in any form on the forums. Any petition threads will be immediately locked/deleted with possible penalties, subject to the discretion of the DF Suggestions moderation staff (AKs/Mods).

Cool DF Suggestions AKs/Mods reserve permission to lock or delete any thread found to be in violation of board/forum rules.
This means, quite simply, that if the rules of either this board specifically or of the forum in general are found to be broken within a particular thread, the AKs/Mods in charge of DF Suggestions reserve the right to lock/delete the thread as well as hand out any Warnings or penalties they see fit. Good suggestions threads which are locked/deleted for violations other than those relating to the suggestion itself (i.e., locked for excessive flaming of the thread owner) will be permitted to be remade provided the AK or Mod in question grants them such permission. If you feel the AK/Mod is being unfair, please discuss the matter with them first, then follow the chain of command as discussed near the bottom of this post.

9) Constructive criticism is not optional.
Replies to a user's thread are meant to build up their idea and find ways to improve upon it. Posts which contain little or nothing (i.e., "I support this idea!") are little more than spam and are not permitted. In addition, flaming a user for a suggestion you disagree with or for posting an FSI violation is frowned upon, and will result in deletion of your post as well as other penalties at the discretion of the forum staff.

10) Signatures/Images Restrictions
Signatures are permitted at MOST once per thread. Not only is this a Universal Rule, it's exceedingly important. Remember that many of our users use dialup connections, and as such, they will have trouble loading pages if they're filled with large, intrusive sigs. We would appreciate it if you refrained from using them at all on this board, but if you simply must have them, we ask that you only use it once. Also, link to any large images (smaller ones, miniature banners, etc are acceptable if they meet Universal Forum Rules) rather than displaying them on the page. Your fellow users will thank you!

Dragonfable Suggestions Staff/Archknights List

If an issue arises within DF Suggestions (be it clarification of the rules, an issue with a specific user, or reporting rule violations), the following is a list of individuals to contact. If you have an issue with a Dragonfable ArchKnight, please contact the head moderator. If your issue is with the moderating staff, please contact Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm Reens.

DragonFable Suggestions Head Moderator:
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm Lord Barrius

DragonFable Moderators:
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm Alac
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm geopetal
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm Maegwyn
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm Seahawk
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm westward_ho!
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm Xevious

DragonFable Archknights List:
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm Aerowarrior
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm Brilliancy
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm Croncler
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm Puppy
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm Rimblade
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm SiLvErWiNg
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm The Nameless
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm Vaseline28
Dragon Fable Suggestion Forum Rules Pm Z.324

**Rules will not be updated by anyone but a moderator**
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