(This is a compilation of the stickies. Rules, cache clearing, things that aren't bugs, missing posts, and so on will be included in this.)
This forum is for reporting bugs only. It is not a discussion, questions/answer, or any other sort of forum. It is for reporting in-game bugs only.
- This forum is NOT for help. It is only for reporting in-game bugs. Mistakes in Design Notes should be posted in the thread for that day's notes.
- Read all the stickies before you post a bug. That includes reading all of this!
- Make sure that the "bug" really is a bug, not a feature of the game. Did you clear your cache first? Did you duplicate the bug?
- Find the proper thread to post in. Even if it could belong in two threads, ONLY post in ONE.
- CHECK if the bug has already been reported. DON'T repost reported bugs.
- Report a bug properly. Don't know how? Read the rules and continue to the next section.
- Don't use image tags! Link to pictures instead. Also please do not use Bitmaps for the pictures. .PNG can conserve detail, but it isn't necessary. JPEG works well enough for bug reporting.
- If you have a temporary solution for a bug, you may post. If a solution has already been given, do NOT repeat it. If you want to help someone solve a bug (involving more than one post), PM or E-mail them. If neither option is available, do not post in the thread. That person will have to wait until a bug fix.
- Never use sigs. It doesn't help with reporting, since sigs clutter the forum and make it hard to find relevant information.
- See a shiny new thread? Think all the old bugs are gone? Think again. It's for the purpose of keeping track of NEW (READ: not repeated) bugs in a new DF version or simply that the old thread has gotten too long.
A Proper Bug Report - Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Keep those in mind.
What should be included in a bug report? More than you think. People aren't mind readers.
- Who: Yes, it's obviously your character, but which class is the character? (Warrior, Mage, Rogue) What level is the character? What does the character have equipped?
- What: What happened? What's the bug? Use detail! Did the game kick you out? What was the error message and code?
- When/Where: Did it happen in town/while exploring? Was is during a quest? In a battle?
- Why: This is more for the devs, but do you know what might have caused it?
- How: What did you do to trigger the bug? "The game hates me." doesn't work. Something leads up to the bug. This is crucial. If a bug can't be duplicated, it might not get fixed.
- Detail! - Include your browser and Flash version. To find your browser version, go to 'Help' and 'About'. Use this to find your Flash version. Example: Firefox v1.5.0.6, Flash
- More detail! - Screenshots always help. Don't know how to take one? Check this thread. This is even more important when there's a graphical error (something miscolored, positioned incorrectly, stuck character, etc.).
- Even more. - Include any extra detail that might help. e.g. If you're lagging, include things like ISP, speed (56K, DSL, cable, etc.), computer memory (RAM), and processor speed (MHz or GHz) are things to consider.
- Did you clear your cache before encountering the bug? When was the last time you cleared your cache?